The Dark World of Richard Brandson's "Private Island" ..

The Dark World of Richard Brandson’s “Private Island” ..


11 thoughts on “The Dark World of Richard Brandson's "Private Island" ..”

  1. To hell with phoney :charities". Paying proper tax is more important than any "charity". These "charities" have so many strings attached that they are meaningless. They are just a PR stunt and fig leaf to cover tax avoidance.
    Also Virgin Internet was the WORST Internet provider it has ever been my misfortune to use as well as the most expensive. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

  2. A very biased video exploiting people's distrust of wealthy people. Over the years, Mr.Brandson has been seen as a personal friend of Mr. Al Gore, Mr.Obama, and many other leading saviors of Our Planet. I am sure his island is no less ecologically responsible than Mr. Robinson Crusoe's residence, beautifully narrated by Mr. Verne.


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