The Dark Side of Rich Kids Volunteering Abroad | Informer

Voluntourism is when primarily western, privileged do-gooders pay for the experience of doing charity work abroad. But according to this ex-voluntourist, the orphanage she thought she was building was actually disassembled and remade throughout the night.

Not only that but children were dirtied up to make them look poorer to add to the voluntourists’ experience. Children were made to sing and dance for them – and worse.

We give an inside glimpse into this sham world, where people pay for the experience of charity without actually helping locals – and often even making their lives worse.

00:00 Intro
02:05 “I was entirely unqualified”
03:21 What happens to donations?
04:28 Her advice could put her in great physical danger
06:00 Child abuse

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42 thoughts on “The Dark Side of Rich Kids Volunteering Abroad | Informer”

  1. So what should rich people do? Die? Lol. I feel like instead of pushing for altruism the modern day left is slowly turning into the Marxist ideology which is to basically remove anything that’s different. Wow, so poor people Never abuse children, etc.

  2. They are all pieces of crap doing little kids like that. I have no respect for anyone that treat kids like that. I hope they get what's coming to them. God please protect our younger generation from people that exploit children.

  3. "While making money from people like me, who wanted to do good"

    Almost. You ALMOST opened your eyes. Then it became about you again. Everything you said these children suffered from boiled down the regret you have for paying 3,000 dollars for a safari and some pictures of you posing with starving children for Insta.

  4. you mean to say people dont know about this ?
    this has been going on ages ago … one person coming out will not change anything at all.

  5. yes and no – I am not a wealthy person. I have been on church mission trips with adults and kids where we provided labor. My trips were de-construction and prep. But, the experiences of working with appreciative people and the joy the children from the host nation shared are priceless. I'm sure her trip was different. Try not to label all philanthropic trips as fruitless wastes of time and harmful to the host nation. Those rich kids could have been advised better or learn how to be less dense to their surroundings.

  6. It's an industry Dore human trafficking and you help to pay for it! This society is so discusting. I want a change! Poor children. They are helpless. I get so outraged. And the sadest thing. Owner leaders politicians and celebrities are the people how participate in this discustingly practices! Still people are stupide and believe in this systheme!

  7. Its kind of like a child zoo. Come and look at these exhibita and throw them some scraps of food to make yourself feel better about them. Personally I always found it strange that these trips cosy so much money, if you're volunteering, now I can see why. I think it makes way more sense to save the money to donate to a legitimate charity. Instead of spending 3k for what is essentially a holiday to boost your ego give that 3k to a good cause. Local causes might be even better, because you know whats happening, heck with that kind of money you could buy a decent plot of land in many countries for the locals to build on and gift it to them, or even buy the materials to build a house, that would also provide work for someone. If you use that for a volunteering trip I bet less than 100 dollars of that is actually going to the cause.

  8. I find it extremely odd a "young woman" in Tanzania would open up to a stranger about her so called struggle with her sexuality. I believe the rest of her story… But this part doesn't make any sense

  9. Sometimes people want to help, but they dont know how or aren't equipped with the necessary tools to help. Instead of letting go or sitting down, they attempt to do something and end up causing more harm than good. This is the consequence of people pouring out of empty cups, and/ or when people think too highly of themselves…to an unhealthy, delusional…possibly even toxic point.

    This is why patience, self-awareness, self-reflection, mental clarity and being mindful while of service is so important. However, unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world. Thus…here we are.

    "!!!BREAKING NEWS!!!"
    Most "Charities," ARE SCAMS!
    Especially the "Religious" ones!
    You not a "hero,"" or a "Savior,"
    for creating and perpetuating the problems!

  11. Thank you Vice for these great interviews. My god the truth needs to be outspoken.
    When and how can we finally see the real fight against those criminal organisations. We have a chance finally today to speak about those things through some channels.
    Please let’s bring the truth to the mass media. And change things !

  12. Whose paying for volunteer work? The government. Who participates? Rich kids who are apart of the secret societies that claim all this philanthropy. Connect the dots. The best students who don’t go for the top top level evil go to CIA and top tech companies. The hood students join the local cults and societies. The rebellious and poor performers aren’t invited. They are seen as the common folk. The plebs. Those less than. Anyone involved in secrecy has a dirty little problem that is rotting them from the inside out


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