The Dark Side of Mars | Fort Solis | PS5 Gameplay

Fort Solis • PS5 • Quality/Performance Mode • HDR
Let’s Play | PS Plus Premium Trial | Survival Horror Game


The experience envisioned by the developers :

A uniquely singular cinematic experience!

Fort Solis brings to players, the next level of details, facial and body animations. With the help of Unreal Engine 5.2 Fort Solis realistic universe is brought to life ! A riveting story-driven thriller on the Red Planet.

The story is told across four chapters. Like a Netflix series, Fort Solis can be binged in one intense session, or played chapter by chapter like an episodic TV show.

Welcome to Fort Solis

Responding to an unusual alarm call from a remote mining base, Jack arrives at the dark and desolate Fort Solis. With storm warnings imminent, he heads inside to make desperate contact. As the night grows longer, events escalate, spiral out of control and the mystery of what happened to the crew begins to reveal itself. The storms is approching, limiting Jack’s escape as he looks to hold out until morning arrives.

Immersive Storytelling

Fort Solis looks to deliver a high-fidelity experience designed to completely immerse the player in the cast and their long night. With performances from Roger Clark, Troy Baker and Julia Brown, Fort Solis looks to deliver emotion, fear, empathy and much more with every chapter.

#fortsolis #ps5gameplay #scifigame


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