The Dangerous Lives of Ninjas

Stealthy, Precise, and Deadly, the modern image of Ninjas portrays them as hyper-acrobatic men in black who can defy every odd to eliminate their target. Whether working in unison or alone, Ninjas can use shadows and deceit to get close to the target and then finish them in a cold-hearted manner.
Skittering over rooftops, jumping from the shadows, and using unconventional weapons, Ninjas are perceived today as some sort of ghost warriors that are devoted to a cult-like organization. But how much is it the truth?

Were ninjas really this deadly back in the day or rather more prone to death? Welcome to Nutty History, and today let’s find out how dangerous the real lives of Ninjas were.


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48 thoughts on “The Dangerous Lives of Ninjas”

  1. What the hell? Japan was first unified by Toyotomi Hideyoshi not Tokugawa Ieyasu.. Ieyasu was not in control of japan until the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and finish off the remaining forces of Hideyoshi in the siege of osaka in 1615. A lot of misinformation here.

  2. Broadly entertaining, but this one had a ton of errors in the details. Like, I'm only casually familiar with the subject and I noticed several. This has the feel of hastily done research badly done by someone unfamiliar with the subject. Great animations though.

  3. This leads to new question: Did Shinobi rise again once Japan reopened its borders? If they cannot find employment in Japan, they might be able to find new opportunities in Europe, specifically among the Great Powers such as Britain and France.

  4. Their was a TV series about hatori Hanzo in Japan . Some say the ninja still exist I believe they do Tokogawa was an ally of oda nobonaga. Nobonaga did unify Japan . A general assisted oda nobanaga . It was Toyotomi avenge nobonaga. Since Toyotomi was of peasant birth he couldn't claim shogun. When Toyatomi died after the failed invasion of Korea. This is when Tokagswa vied for power after the battle of Sieghara Togagawa became shogun .

  5. Great informative video love this type of stuff (history) and I always wanted to know what it was like to be an average person in ancient Rome or Greece. Little side note I want to see a video that compares Rome and Greece in ancient times.. like average stuff. Like what they do on a average day

  6. In a "nutshell" they were simply spies or undercover operatives. Information was their bread and butter. Later on, they became anime stars… The strongest became hokage and had giant demons implanted in them. Some had crazy eyes.

  7. I studied Japanese traditional martial arts for some years and what people don't realise is that "Ninjutsu" is a collective term for many arts ranging from horse riding to bomb making. One of the schools, Taijutsu, was unarmed combat and it was used only if there was absolutely no other way to survive.


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