The Current Meta and Vault Wars 2023 – Warhammer Weekly 10182023

Join us for another week of news, rumors and all things Warhammering. This week, we are looking at the current meta of AoS through the lens of Vault Wars, a tourney coming this weekend! Let’s look at some lists and see what people are bringing along in the current season.
#warhammer #ageofsigmar

0:00 News
33:30 Pick of the Week
37:10 Hobby Time
45:00 Current Meta
1:19:45 Vault Wars
1:46:50 Lists

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Reign in Hell Game:

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26 thoughts on “The Current Meta and Vault Wars 2023 – Warhammer Weekly 10182023”

  1. I want to say that Tyler misrepresented the Seasons of War game a bit. Jordan playing Sylvaneth absolutely tabled KO in 2 turns as he made all his rolls from priority, charge, damage and so on. And then they went back because it was so fast and constructed a "what if" situation in which KO got everything, and then they tabled Jordan. So while KO is really strong that game really demonstrated how fragile it is and the power showcase of KO was a bit artificially created in this case

  2. It’s 18 inches from the mop pit, but 12 inches from friendly ogres, which means you can have ogres further out on the table have enemies still within 12 inches and those enemies still be within 18 inches of the mawpit

  3. I love the fact that youre requiring an official GW FAQ for armies to be legal at Vault Wars. However, the decision to allow CoS without a full GW release or an official FAQ seems to fly in the face of this. Especially with some wording issues present. The hurricanum for example. Just curious about the reasoning to allow CoS even though it violates the requirements set forth in the packet?

  4. Worth mentioning for the Mawpit a corner case to keep in mind. Ogors have a Battle Tactic "Let Them Loose" that asks you to do 4 monstrous actions. If you take the Pot you have the option to Smash to Rubble your own Pot as a way to enable that BT – but with the Pit it could hurt your own monsters. I won't come up often, but might influence your decision to take the Pot if you rely on that BT.

  5. I am so mad and sad about the Fyreslayers warband. That army FINALLY gets a new unit and then it turns out to be just a Vulkite Berzerker sidegrade with a minor situational ability. Tyler put it exactly right: Lame and phoned in. If they had a nice movement ability like a pregame move or that Magmadroth hitchhiking that the Army of Renown got… Or if they had the monster slayer abilities of the Kruleboyz… Then they would have added something new and interesting to the army. But no, they don't even get 6" on their anti-rampage ability.

  6. Looking at painting up one of my forces for AoS 4, which of my options would you say was best for a infrequent AoS player. Ogors gut heavy, sylvaneth kurnoth heavy, nighthaunt, flesh eater courts

  7. Tyler comment about the New KO army of renown really irked me. Content creators while players also forget about the privilege and influence they have. This whole two wrongs don’t make an right logic is tone Deff. There are a lot of wrongs in the game but when something is deemed “too strong” by content creators it’s got to be nerfed. I saw all the content creators cry about dragons rules so much they got “fixed” even before they were ever released, but never tried to correct the abuse with living cities.

    It always seems if it’s an army that isn’t popular ppl cry for nerfs while popular armies are allowed to dominate uncontested. While their opinions and criticisms are just as valid as anyone else’s they should be aware of the influence they hold over their fans

  8. If its Saturday morning and to early to get out of bed because you are used to getting up early for work but the rest of thr house is still asleep anf you dont want to wake them…. it's Warhammer!


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