The Cult #77: What SOCIALIST mean by DECOLONIZATION, and how it informs Israel and Palestine

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16 thoughts on “The Cult #77: What SOCIALIST mean by DECOLONIZATION, and how it informs Israel and Palestine”

  1. I think that the conversation is the various that’s running things from the inside, but not necessarily violence, but making sure people believe in certain things and an inside or something like being a police man is bad

  2. I'm glad you're cracking down on the whole conflict abroad. That's a problem, but unfortunately we should still focus on learning. There's nothing we can do for those across the world.
    I get a certain feeling that them taking back the land is its own form of colonization. It's 'the State' that will own the land. I'm probably wrong, but i like looking for irony in the ridiculous.

  3. So cool to see you're now all over the place Karlyn.

    Who woulda thunk that what started out as a reaction to some fools in a knitting club would grow into this?

    Keep it up!

  4. The severe hatred these people have for each is so deep. War is never the answer, killing innocent people is never right. Israeli people I have known have described the terrible reality of living in this area. The question to me is can people get over the hate, can they get out of their dehumanizing attitudes of each other. It seems impossible to stop people from hating others. It is a problem that transcends politics it seems to be in our very nature. The innocent victims are innocent victims no matter what side of the conflict they happen to be on. If only there was some push for peace, but the hatred is so ingrained it’s hard to think that these disgusting horrible conflicts will ever end. It doesn’t help to promote more violence. So many lives lost.

  5. I think the way to think of anti-colonial is the philosophical/political framework that one adopts which justifies the need to proceed with the practical steps of de-colonizing (liberation). In the US anti-racist is the framework which justifies the decolonization (removal of whiteness i.e. capitalism)

  6. Another great stream!
    Thank you for breaking down how colonialization means capitalism and how it applies to their "radical" language.

    Decoding this, is key to knowing what is occurring now. Changing/manipulating language is the perfect weapon. 1984 was about a world which resulted in the perversion of language. Preserving language is key.


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