The (Crumbling) Albany Empire

Someone, in their right mind, thought it would be a good idea to let Antonio Brown to own a football team. If you thought he was an issue as a player? You ain’t seen nothing yet.


46 thoughts on “The (Crumbling) Albany Empire”

  1. Wish the team wouldn't have folded. We were so close to "New Antonio Brown coaching hire unable to accept position due to the fact they are a fictional character"

  2. this is one Utree video O just cant laugh at. And it has nothing to do with Tree. Its genuinely sad that Antonio Brown has been able to run so rampant that he's fucked over an entire football franchise. This goes beyond him having mental health problems. You'd think he could come to his senses for just a brief minute and realize how many people he's hurting right now – for no other reason but to feed is massive ego. Its disgusting.

  3. AB is a moron who ruined his career in the NFL for being a complete dirtbag, and then after his pro career is over, he invests in an arena football team and runs it to the ground within months, talk about the art of the deal in canvas.

  4. AB was really trying to use the “everybody is trying to bring down a successful black man” as an excuse for his dysfunctional incompetence???

    As a white guy myself, I would LOVE to more black majority owners of professional sports franchises…. As long as it’s not Antonio Brown.

  5. Wheres the outrage video about poor ownership on Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones. Oh wait my bad, they're not black so I understand. I always had my doubts you were a racist tree but this video proves it.

  6. Why the hell is Antonio Brown not in a mental psychiatric ward? This guy is straight up mentally ill, and there’s absolutely no way I can be told otherwise. We all have witnessed his career go to hell, his life go to hell, and now, we’ve seen a team a city adore go to hell because somebody was foolish enough to let this trash take an ownership stake in it.

    Get AB out of society before he destroys something else.

  7. …I cannot fricken understand how this mans 'legacy' keeps getting worse and worse. You've been there to chronicle it in a way Tree and just…How? It's like he's actively SEEKING to just sink lower and lower every other year or so and it KEEPS. GETTING. WORSE!!!!!!!!!

  8. I love the Super Nintendo Music in all the Videos. The choice of the Wolverine level in Arcade's Revenge (Which is a literal Clown Level) is hilarious. As a Yinzer living in Scottsdale, Love the content, Tree.


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