The Controversial Arc That Broke One Piece

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49 thoughts on “The Controversial Arc That Broke One Piece”

  1. I think wano was great I don’t know why people are complaining at all. things we didn’t get were probably because they would spoil future plots. I mean look at skypiea people complained and complained and then boom!! One of the most important arcs in the whole series

  2. Fun theory. What if Blackbeard is stealing fruits from peeps, giving him to his crew, but before he can take Law's fruit, Law puts his soul into his sword. Blackbeard now has the sword, but will be rescued by the Strawhats later on, wherein Zoro-senpai gets his final sweet ass sword. A living devil fruit sword, an old friend, and now comes with the ability to help Zoro-senpai to effectively teleport around and "throw" cuts. Truly the world's strongest swordsman.

  3. the wano arc is not over!!! wano will be told along the storys progression the get go was bb´s attack on law where do u think hell head after? of course hell go to wano for more than one reason yama will be part of the crew one or another way same as jimbey just a lil tick later a weapon is slumbering in wano. wano and its charakters are part of the story and will 100% progressed till the end!!! zoros story will be told (i still belive that there is only one joyboy and that has ever been luffy hell head back intime luffy becomes joyboy zorro the dragon slayer and past that timeskip/timetravle back in the now years older luffy will claim the one piece wahtever it is and becom the pirate king) and also we will learn more bout kaido it was not the moment to conclude his story thats not bad story telling its just a moment in time where nothing of wano is truely concluded expept the battle wich has been won!!!

  4. Wano wasn't bad. It was just mid. Some cool reveals. But over all it is very bloated, we focus on characters who weren't the best. The straw hats seemed to take a back seat, despite the fact that we hadn't seen them for over a year. Kaido never felt like the menace that big mom was in wholecake

  5. Wano is truly long. I mean, no duh, but to put it into perspective: Wano is 148 chapters, so I went back to ONE PIECE chapter 148.. That chapter is a cliff hanger from when Chopper had his rumble ball powers revealed on Drum Island. DRUM ISLAND. So Wano, ONE ARC ON ONE ISLAND, is the equivalent length of…. First: lemme count…. I count 8 major arcs. So like, I didn’t include the dude in the treasure chest, and the first one is romance dawn instead of every single subarc included. Alright put this into another context: Wano is the same length as the part of One Piece when Alabasta is like less than 10 chapters away

  6. Wano can't be a great arc if it's so controversial and has the fanbase split. For that very reason it can't be, people are still making videos about it. It's not a settled debate, there are some who really like it, but others that don't.

  7. Thank you for this. People spread so much negativity about Wano, but when you put it in perspective like it’s impossible to deny how much good happened during the arc and how impressive some of the events and foreshadowing were.

    When your trying to balance as many plot threads as Oda was it’s hard to believe the arc turned out as well as it did in the first place and that it was fairly consistent in how entertaining it is chapter to chapter. I think it’s also important to try to appreciate each chapter on its own as something meant to engage and entertain the reader. There are certainly slip-ups when you write a story that way and I think it’s just an inherent aspect of the medium.

  8. I disagree with the Yamato, its a very valid reason why she stayed, and throughout the arc it was always only Yamato who claimed he would join, even the strawhats themselves noted that she wasn’t officially joining until Luffy says so, that was the first warning sign i saw, IMO I think she needed far more character growth and more of an arc to be an actual nominees for strawhat, so i was actually glad when she didn’t join, not that i dont love Yamato, it just made more sense for me, also when you consider that its final saga, and its alr kinda late to add another SH

  9. I absolutely hate Oden and his stupid backstory.. he let Kaido and Orochi build their army for years believieng their lies.. couldn't respect the character for even a naive person like Luffy wouldn't fall for that

  10. From my perspective Kaidou didn’t necessarily need more development. Past few arcs kinda spoiled us with how Big Mom’s and Doflamingo’s backstory was expanded, tho I would argue that his backstory is not really that strong, and that he is a strong villain because of his actions in the present, not his past backstory. I feel the same way for Kaidou.
    The thing is, most of the questions around Kaidou are either not that interesting to me, or will be better introduced by other characters:
    – Why is Kaidou a drunk? He likes his liquor, good for him.
    – Why does Kaidou tries to commit unliving? He is virtually indestructible, his outlook on life is different because he is so goddamn next level.
    – Why does he appear to know so much about Joyboy? As the story progresses it is natural that characters acquire more knowledge, and this goes not only for our main characters. Villains will too. One theory could be that Joyboy is a legendary warrior, and Kaidou could very well hyper-fixate on his idea of honorable death and link that to the only being in this world that can defeat him. But while Kaidou can very well know about Joyboy, a much better plot will be for the World Government to expand on that story, them being the organization that erased the presence of Joyboy from history, not Kaidou.

    The way I see it, Kaidou is a threatening villain because in a way he is just a force of nature. He is the embodiment of violence, but through his idea of honor and combat we can see a glimpse of his humanity through the cracks. When considering how vast the world of One Piece is, it is not so much that Kaidou is a “villain”, more so that he is bound to exist and clash with Luffy. And I think that is much more terrifying than any backstory Oda could give him.

  11. Luffy is NOT joy boy. ive watched a couple of your videos, i dont know why you keep saying he is joy boy. Joy Boy is a person that lived 800 years ago.
    If Oda sticks to 1 way time travel, luffy CANNOT be joy boy. He merely has the same fruit as him or similar personalities.

  12. Kitten should be in EVERY vid plz😻 already i was going to comment and the my jaw hit the floor for that cutiepie; it was right when Luffy was turning everything rubber too😸 I verymuch enjoyed this start to finish, no notes. TY

  13. I think Kaido is just another failed Joy boy like bigmom and any other villain. I think there is much more in his character than we can actually see. He was raised in an island which saw war everyday. Due to this kaido has to grow stronger to survive. Even his own kingdom betrayed him for revery. Until meeting Rocks he continued to grew stronger and stronger. After meeting Rocks and learning about joyboy from king he started to believe that he can change the world just like his own captain wanted to. He believed in only war all people are equal. So, he wanted to start the greatest war the world has ever saw. This way the celestial dragons will not be at top. For him war and strength was his freedom and also depression since he was also the stongest until luffy defeated him. He realised that Luffy can change the world while fighting him and he really enjoyed that fight and luffy too. In the end of his fight Kaido realised he is not a joyboy and is defeated by real joy boy who is also strong like him and fate is also with luffy.

  14. O-TAMA and O-TOKO are the best characters in the arc, and I don't care any opinions said otherwise. I don't care about how O-TAMA's abilities semi-breaking the theme of OP in general. Best character!

  15. I felt many times in this arc, that Oda rushed things not because he wanted to, but because he had to. As Ohara said, it was long 4 years and it was still too short time to insert that many thoughts he wanted to or almost said to us.
    Wano-kuni was brilliant, but maybe it's my biased opinion since I am reading One Piece only two years and this is my first arc I read weekly.

  16. I believe that oda is rushing the manga to finish but with the anime he prolonging it. Like the oden and kaido fight in the manga was so quick but in the anime you got to enjoy more of it. So kaido flashback in the anime would be extended but not by too much

    Also Ryou is haki but he did unlock advanced armament haki. And this question for everyone zoro unlock all haki pre time skip and advanced armament haki in skypea. Conqueror in sabaody and ofc obs haki vs mr 1

  17. I would love for everyone to take a moment to remember. Chopper held back two Yanko Commanders up until Sanji showed up. Yes, I do love that awesome pineapple man! However, he was a Whitebeard pirates. Chopper withstanding arrows of the Candy man and going toe to toe with Queen…. after fixing two viruses by Queen. Sure he improved his fruit with Caesar but, he did tank those arrows to protect the enemies and friends! I love Franky and Robin, I love them getting some really good fights and time.. however fluffy chopper did some real help as a tank! I do love Yamato. I believe she did not join becuase they had Jinbe officially rejoin. There are a few things we did find out you just don't do in front of specific Strawhats which made them go beast mode (which gives the characters more character).
    1. Nami – You simply do not hit children in from of Nami
    2. Robin – You simply do not remind Robin of her Past with the deaths of her family
    3. Brook – You simply do not mess with Brook's memories especially with Laboon
    4. Zorro/Luffy – Zorro and Luffy go Beast alot… the moment the threw down the Red Bean Soup on the floor had way more impact than Kaido seemingly destroy the Straw Hats.

    My favorite top 5 strawhat in this order:

  18. Let's face it, One Piece arcs are never truly center on one person alone. Like are we not gonna forget that during Sanji's introduction arc we spent most of the time having Zoro character development. Or Brook's introduction arc also centering around Zoro. Or During Robin's arc we got introduced to Franky

  19. People that like Wano only look at supposedly "hype" moments and don't realize the writing overall was bad. Had Oda wrote the entirety of One Piece like he did Wano the series would have never gotten the status it has and it would have been canceled very quickly

  20. I believe joyboy he pulled the ground up just like luffy when he wanted to reflect kaido attack. I believe joyboy pulled the ground up making those two mountains that closes the borders of wano.


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