The Consequences of Crossing Heaven's Boundaries | Life After Death

Heaven has levels, and those levels have boundaries! Curtis digs into Swedenborg’s “Heaven and Hell” to learn why the boundaries are there and how they work.

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“Who Was Swedenborg?”

“Swedenborg 101: The Basic Nature of Everything”


All content premieres on Mondays at 8pm Eastern time!



We dig into Emanuel Swedenborg’s writings to learn more about the spiritual backdrop of this life we’re living, and then work hard to craft a narrative to share what we learn, using visual tools of animations, illustrations, and diagrams to deliver the concepts in an entertaining, enlightening, and uplifting way.

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27 thoughts on “The Consequences of Crossing Heaven's Boundaries | Life After Death”

  1. This episode reminds me of the book titled "Wonderer in the Spirit Lands".
    It's a testimony of a person who died and found himself in the lower realms in the spirit world. And after going through much trials and spiritual growth was able to move to the mid level heaven. ✨

  2. Curtis terrific video as alwasys but a question if you see this. the mass shooting in Tennasee it was a femals what happens do you think to a soul that murdered so many people when they cross over? it cant be the same thing a soul that spent their entire life being good and happy ?

  3. another words, in his perfection, God would never be thinking/feeling blaaaah,I soooo don't feel like cleaning the cat's litter box, blaaah, why can't I just read Swedenborgs books all day? God would be, in his perfection, I looooove having cats, therefore I loooove cleaning litterboxes, and I loooove that nobody can smell cats when entering my house, and the cat's are so sweet to have around, but me not perfection, so blaaaah. does this mean I will not make angel in the next world? blaaaah. even though I'm still cleaning the darn box. even though blaaaah

  4. It's Curtis and other dear ones. I'm slowly being won over to this. What's the catch, what's the agenda…. There must be a catch. All this juicy awesome information that can't really be found anywhere else. Most of organized "religion" dares not ask most of these questions, let alone seek answers bless all hearts!! It makes sense God would give us the answers because All who seek, find. All who knock, the door is opened.All who thirsts for righteousness are filled(what the definition of it is)!! You know, that word for "ALL" in Greek means "ALL". =••
    just saying….

  5. I noticed that the sessions have changed. It's like the months have slipped one month forward like the weather that we had in December changed to January and February is like January march has become February and so on. Wierd it has been challenging in that direction more and more every year. Blessings to you and your family Curtis 🙏🔥🙏

  6. Thanks for this episode. 🙂 Note for Curtis – I think I counted NINE 'different's in around a minute! 'Swedenborg host finds himself in the 'Guinness Book of Records'. 😉 Seriously – thank you all.

  7. This topic reminds me of when I first read Meher Baba talking about "unwinding samskaras" .
    At the time I understood it intellectually, but it didn't have a place in my experience.
    After listening today, it popped into my head that wanting to level up and be-more results in opportunities to unwind these samskaras, and we light-up and get on the radar to those ( angels?) who would help us learn and get ready for crossing a border/boundary.
    ….of course this could potentially take several lifetimes 😂

    Good stuff here!!
    Thanks Curtis!

  8. My experience is that we already live in worlds with boundaries, and we feel at home with those who share our world, our mindset, our values, our interests. If we wander into a different world, we feel bored, we feel shocked, we feel confused, we don't understand the language. I'm a retired teacher, so this also reminds me of children going through all the stages of learning. A 7 year old would likely not understand the language of an algebra class, not be able to understand the thinking. Kids are naturally attracted to other kids their own age. Put a couple of 2-year olds together and they are fascinated with each other. So life in heaven seems to be just a continuation of life on earth. We gravitate to those like us. But maybe the divine plan is for us to continually mature in heaven as on earth. On earth we need teachers to help us mature. We don't leave children to grow on their own. It makes sense that this would be true in heaven, that more advanced souls help the less mature souls to advance to greater understanding, to a higher expression of their potential. We all need avenues of service in whatever world we're in.

    Is it consistent with Swedenborg's thinking to see the various religions as "heavens"? People who are united in a particular religion share the same heavenly mindset, use the same heavenly language and see the world with the same eyes. They feel comfortable with each other. Did Swedenborg mention seeing different heavenly realms for Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.? It seems that this could be a temporary condition to ease the transition for souls.

    It's great to see how your graphics are maturing, if that's the right word. It's all like magic to us old folks, but I'm sure it's all due to the educating influence of the great souls in the invisible realm. Insights and inspiration come from the heavenly realm, and we seem to be living at a time when everything is accelerating. It's so good to see you and hear your voice.

  9. This one is answers so many questions!! Wonderful to know it isn't a competition to get into the "best" heaven – or like the "best" school. We are going to be so happy wherever we go to live in heaven – Whoopee!!! ❤

  10. Hello Curtis, Good video. Has I listen to you describe the mental and physical change people go through as the rise up the different levels of heaven. It reminded me of the chakra system the Buddhist speak of so much. Do you think two idea may be connected in some way? Thank You!! PS. Don't feel bad. It snowed here last week and it's supposed to be Spring?? 😄

  11. I actually wouldn't care where in heaven I end up as long as I get to go there and be in God's presence…I recently had a dream/ visit from a loved one and he said he was in waiting…I assumed something similar to purgatory…thanx Curtis and team always making us think, reflect and hope.


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