The Complicated Politics of Rainbow Six (And Why They Matter)

The importance of Rainbow’s mission.

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About Gregor
Suh, dude? This is my official YouTube channel. I cover FPS games, usually with a competitive slant.

The Complicated Politics of Rainbow Six (And Why They Matter)



45 thoughts on “The Complicated Politics of Rainbow Six (And Why They Matter)”

  1. "Russia will not invade" was a good demonstration that a lot of "political" figured hold positions because they're popular or they feel right and rarely have anything to truly back their beliefs

  2. Good ass video. 12-25 minute news/education (maybe argumentative) commentary videos from your channel are some of my favourite things to watch/listen to anywhere. Feels like all the homies hate siege at this point, but using it as a centre point to jump off of for a video about a related topic works very well I think because all the viewers are starting from the same place and can be more or less expected to have the same level of existing background knowledge. Long winded comment, but good ass video and I will always click away from whatever I’m already doing to watch your videos like this. Thank you Gregory 👍

  3. I think melusi is one of the biggest examples of the importance of this stuff. I thought when she was dropped she was the most pandering sounding character ever; yeah sure she’s part of an all women African anti poaching force that definitely sounds real. It totally sounds like a backstory made up to make her seem like a real girl boss to make a character seem strong and super lovable like the zebra rescue scene from lou2.

    Except it’s actually real. Yeah. That things real there actually is an all women military unit built around counter poaching. And honestly that’s kinda cool. You learn more about the world when you give a shit about this stuff.

  4. I sure hope sometime in the future the Devs will somewhat relay back the original lore of "Rainbow Six". I get the russians in the game kind of throw that off but it would be cool, especially for those that have read the books

  5. The idea of NOKK is not that stupid at all.
    Prince Harry served two tours of Afghanistan on the front lines but it was kept quiet until AFTER his service because of the "Obvious reasons".
    I agree with you 100% on this one Greg.

  6. I enjoy Siege's characters a lot. Some of them are a little cringey, not gonna name names. But, it's fun to see the good ones doing their thing.

    It's not real life, and honestly a real life SWAT simulator would be pretty boring and all the operators would be the same brick sh*thouse dudes. That's basically every elite military and police unit; you need to be extremely physically fit, capable of putting rounds on target, and know when to stop and go so you maintain control.

    Games don't have to be that, they can be a little more aspirational. If you want a more true-to-life death squad simulator, there's always Ready or Not.

  7. It’s not that they pull characters from non CTU backgrounds, but how cartoony and weirdly designed some of them are. I want that Grim-dark aesthetic/feel back, and a lot of operators (Nighthaven especially) just feel strange and out of place. Recent ops have gotten better at this (Grim and Solois), but some of the other ones just clash hard with some of the older ops (Amaru, Flores, etc). Even something like Thorn’s bombs look super goofy compared to how they’d look if they were made at launch. I get they’re doing it to catch that light hearted hero shooter crowd, but I just think it sucks; it’s the reason you see people clamor for a new White Mask storyline, older fans want to go back that original feel the game had (even though they game is still fun).

  8. Thank you for pointing out the similarities to the sudetenland and Crimea. I was telling people that for some time before the invasion and I got called a conspiracy theorists or ignorant because "that'll never happen again, Russia isn't like them"

  9. I think what you illustrate perfectly here is the idea that people working together in an egalitarian setting like this can be diverse, functional and reflects real life. Diversity is not just used by corporations to make more money, it's the real adult world and backseat gamers need to grow the hell up.

  10. PLEASE Gregor diversify your content. Create a second channel if need be. You're an amazing analyst and great thinker, and you have a fun side to your content too! We'd love videos outside of siege, videos that cover politics and stuff like that.

  11. I aint't gonna lie bro, I watched through this video and I pretty much just heard pure waffle that I honestly have no idea how it relates to the title. Totally thought this was a video showing like, the politics IN Rainbow Six, like how the different nations work together, and the whole thing with Nighthaven and shit.
    I think this is just Gregor having a casual convo with himself, flipping from topic to topic with seemingly no goal lol. I mean, it was a fun watch, just wasn't what I expected.

  12. Was that meant to be ironic about Iceland and Greenland because that was propaganda to get people to move to Greenland not Iceland? I feel like I hear a fellow TYT listener here😉


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