The Complete History of Adolf Hitler (1942)

In 1942 the Second World War hung in the balance. The Germans had managed to hold against the Soviet counter attack in late 1941 against all odds. Hitler’s will, alone, had perhaps saved the entire front. The quick victory had eluded the Germans but now they had one last chance. If the Caucasus could be taken then the Red Army would be deprived of the majority of its oil and coking coal, sending their war machine grinding to a halt. To cut off the Caucasus however would require the fall of Stalingrad, which was no small task.

On top of this Rommel was busy in North Africa and receiving very little supplies. Mussolini’s will had completely evaporated and he was in the clutches of a mad panic. He just wanted out of the war. How much longer could the Mediterranean possibly hold?

Behind the scenes there was issues too. The Fuhrer himself had an incurable heart condition. Things weren’t yet that serious but his condition continued to decline day by day, after all, he was under more stress than almost anyone else in human history.

1942 would change everything. But how did Hitler navigate that year? Find out in this video!


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David Irving – Hitler’s War
John Toland – Adolf Hitler


Intro: 0:00
Saviour of the Eastern Front: 3:33
What Next?: 9:50
Road to Blue: 19:03
Case Blue: 30:47
Decline: 38:27
Mediterranean Collapse: 51:29
Stalingrad: 1:06:55


40 thoughts on “The Complete History of Adolf Hitler (1942)”

  1. I know you have already said it was somewhere in the works but a video on religion in Germany would be nice. Thanks for another very interesting video, hope you haven't been shadowbanned.

  2. I think the Axis should have delayed Barbarosa by 6-8 months and focused on North Africa. Double Rommels troops and he would have crushed the British. The only sticking poing being Malta and Gibraltar. With N.A and the M.E under control Turkey may have joined and they could have struck at the USSR. In addition to Army Groups N, Center and South imagine an "Army Group Rommel" with the Afrika Core, Italians, Turks, and arab volunteers striking the south caucuses of the USSR in an expanded Barbarossa.

  3. 100% should have made better use of the friendly population in the east and baltics. Also should have not been soooo lenient with the British. Total war means total war…especially if your enemy is doing it to you first.

  4. have you considered talking about the fates of various high ranking officials toward the end of the war? I don't think i've ever seen a chronological detailing of how major german players acted right until the final hour and I (and i think many others) would be interested in seeing it.

  5. Uncle H letting his generals lead Operation Barbarossa in 1941 is one of those perfect examples where if you got that far on your own then you shouldn't second guess yourself and let others take the initiative for the sake of appearing humble. I can't even imagine how frustrating that must have been for him… Remember fellas, if your gut is always right then never doubt yourself, no matter how arrogant you may come off to others.

  6. I get sick of hearing about our wonderful "British empire". The working class masses got zero from it. We were the mugs laying down our lives for it, so the elites, many of a certain demographic, could live a life of luxury in Stately homes in the countryside.

  7. I have been blocked on telegram but there is no apparent reason for doing so… would it be possible to deblock me please ? I've been following your channel since late 2022 and it's my favourite youtube channel.

  8. Zoomer, AH said to Mannerheim how shocked he was at the Soviet arms during the secret recording. For this reason, was the lend lease really that important as the US aid didn't kick in til 1943 right?


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