The Command Ship's first Combat Flight | AOTR | Empire Campaign 3, Episode 22

Awakening of the Rebellion has just released a major update JUMP TO HYPERSPACE is out! 2.11.. Time to lead the Empire to Victory.

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Thanks SkyForge for the fantastic opening animations!

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48 thoughts on “The Command Ship's first Combat Flight | AOTR | Empire Campaign 3, Episode 22”

  1. Imp Rep 22 – We continue to sit over Naboo, though we are now waiting for the arrival of ground troops. The casualty reports from Commenor are still fresh in my mind, but so is the line that has been made by many of the officers regarding ground combat in the Imperial Army. "Most of you will die, but that is a sacrifice the Emperor is willing to make." The major point right now, is that it would appear that the distances in the galaxy are such that the ground forces allocated for the retaking of Naboo are in route at present and just haven't arrived. I asked Lord Vader on the possibility of them being sent to other areas, as I have also come across reports for a planned retaking of Druckenwell… not to mention the continued abilities of Rebel spies to infect our navigation computers with viruses containing bad maps. He stated that the former could be possible, and if so, we may need to rely on what local ground forces are in the area as they are built up on Malastare and other worlds.

    He was calm about this… though, that may still be difficult as shuttle from Malastare did come in with a report of a large Rebel fleet attempting to secure orbit in the system. They did succeed in taking down an orbital population center, but the garrison at Malastare put up a terrific fight and was bolstered by a hypervelocity gun. From what it seems, this weapon took down a large Mon Calamari designed cruiser, though it wasn't one of their shield ships. This gave our Victory-2 and the main station the time and ability to take down the Rebel's fighters and light escorts with their own shots. Lord Vader suspects that the attack was a spoiling one and designed to prevent landings on Naboo from taking place. It raises questions on what the Rebels could be doing on the Emperor's homeworld that would be so secretive. From chapter 3 of "They Had it Coming: How the Jedi Caused My Imperial Rise," Emperor Palpatine wrote that the Jedi murdered his entire family while he was a teenager sometime before the Naboo crisis with the Trade Federation… And from other reports, it would appear that these Rebels seem to attach themselves to what few Jedi survived the purge at the end of the Clone Wars. Could it be possible that they are looking for biological weapons to use against Emperor Palpatine to finish what the Jedi started? We will have to land and find out.

    The bigger military question could be more on how the Rebels got a fleet to Malastare, as there was no apparent link between known Rebel planets and Malastare. It could be possible that they bullied through the orbit of some worlds or have some special kind of stealth for their fleets… but there just isn't enough present to know for sure. This could prolong Lord Vader's time in the south to build up Imperial strength in the region. Though, other reports from the north would give some indication that we may get some safety to do so. As the Bellator, our new super capital ship has led a renewed offensive into the galactic north where the campaign began and has secured Iridonia and taken the orbit of Adumar. Many men from the siege of Commenor were also involved in this fighting, but took much lighter losses against the Black Sun. This is all good news and may well enable a firm link to Yaga Minor to be made and for the preparation for the siege of Ord Mantell. – Ensign Iam Minion.

  2. What's the dad's name in the Shackverse? Admiral House?

    If you want refits to change your fighters, you need a fighter shipyard, not a cruiser one.

    If you do a Bellator/Arc Hammer fleet, please keep in mind two things: 1) The Arc Hammer is primarily a factory for building Dark Troopers, which are stealth units. 2) You will have lots of fighters between both ships, but they will be low quality. I'd recommend bringing Maarek Stele. He is pretty survival and will clean up, but he doesn't have a carrier, so if you lose his squadron, he's dead. BTW, Maarek started his military career inneffectively the same job as you: a maintainer for starfighters.

    On the hardest difficulty, the AI goes for wave tactics like Shed, but… often upward of 80 units. Defending against that style is fun. It's like playing Vampire Survivors or something.

  3. Admiral's Log
    Log 9
    Bellator Dreadnought "Megador"

    It was time, the order was given, the funds had been given, and the crew was ready. We made our move

    The Operation was nicknamed "Dagger's Edge". It was a test of the Bellator's Abilities in Combat. Not many people know of this ship's existance. Most troops in the South are too busy to receive any more news to make their brains explode. Despite this ship on paper, in logs, and by the rest of the galaxy named the "Megador". my crew gave it the nickname "Fear's embrace". That stuck with me.

    Over Iridonia

    First in as always, just like on the Eractor (I heard Shed took the ship, I hope he treats it well). I gave a planetary wide speech to the pirates in the area with an idea "This is the Imperial dreadnought Fear's Embrace, commanding the fleet Titan's blade, surrender now, or risk the fury of the Empire." The fleet engaged us
    So be it
    The Megador Opened its first on field volley, and an acclamator got crippled. By then the Gladiators arrived from Hyperspace. The Megador pushed forward while broadsiding a providence, it felt just like when I had the Heralder, the Venator I used during the Clone wars and we got into a broadside with a providence. Last time it was a draw, but now, it was a joke. The railguns however began to drive me insane, despite all the shielding this ship had, it could not defend against the railcannons. Now I understand Vader's frustrations with them. Still, the Megador and the newly arrived fleet crippled the 2 starbases over the area.

    On the Ground
    It seems the Emperor sees this fleet as his guinea pigs, because not only was I given command of an experimental fleet, but an experimental ground force testing (REDACTED). They performed wonderfully and I hope they continue to work closely with me.

    Over Adumar
    The ship isn't perfect, a few bugs to work out, which is evident when one of the turbolasers opened fire without warning. The commanders and Captains in the fleet complained about certain things, one is the Gozanti's in the fleet. They basically do nothing due to their fragility and better options being available. The captain of the fleet honestly gets on my nerves, he's lazy, he's incompetent, and thought he was better than me for my "Bigger is better" head. I honestly have more respect than Ozzel than this man. I'm not proud of this, but I brought him into the battle with the intent of purging his fleet from the rest.
    There were signals detected in a nearby nebula. This captain went to explore, he lost us valuable TIEs when he encountered armed Smugglers. Low Duty for a Low man I guess

    At the battle, the fleet formed a defensive perimeter against the incoming forces while the Megador pounded rounds into the station. but it was unnecessary as it appears some stragglers from Iridonia ended up there and had the force retreat.

    In other news, Malastare has been attacked by a medium sized rebel fleet. Despite having less Capital ships, there were a significant amount of frigates and fighters according to the report. The local defense fleet tried what they could, and the battle was won, with a cost. A population of civilians were massacred in this fight. My intent of the cleansing of rebels has never been so strong

  4. The Bellator is a consistently great ship, especially if you focus your micro to unload its guns on one target at a time. With it's main batteries being long range, you don't really need to worry about getting the rear guns into the fight; broadsides will actually limit the firepower you can level at single targets due to how many of the guns can fire forward.
    If you're worried about the Bellator's survivability against larger fleets, I would suggest swapping the Gladiators out for Vic IIs (perhaps Harrows if you reach the IR era) and add a couple of Ton Falks for extra fighter support. All things considered, you've got a great little fleet to support the Bellator, just make sure you're taking full advantage of the firepower that thing has.

  5. 48:55 "yeah! buddy you are going to build me my first immobilizer"
    Bilbringi: "I'm a joke to you!?" 22:52 50:11

    Oh, 7:58 and for the refits you need the fighter shipyard and not the cruiser one since most of the refits are updates to the fighters wings of the ships like Imperial II Star Destroyer [Advanced Loadout] 23:15 that why I recommend you to cancel cruiser shipyard 8:00 on Kuat and build the fighter one so that you can build the upgraded ships directly and do not forget them, since you need the capital shipyard and the fighter shipyard on the same planet.

  6. Death squadron log:

    I'm scared. There is a no other way to express it, I'm terrified. Lord Vader is not known for being a sociable person, yet this past few days over Naboo seem to have a weird effect on him, he spends hours in the bridge, just starring at the planet, no sound except his breathing, Lord Vader has always been an intimidating presence but this is so unusual. Some say that this is actually his homeworld, others say he has some connection to it, I believe that the dark side is testing his resolve, why, I don't know, I know that I need to keep my distance, I know better than most that Lord Vader is not to be disturbed, whatever the circumstances. I decided to wonder around the ship for a while, trying to clear up my mind, the lack of battle hasn't made this any easier, I wanted to find someone to kill, instead I found someone to speak. Naila was in the hunger, much like Lord Vader, she was starring at that damn rock. I approached her carefully, you never know what surprises the dark side has for it's followers. In the end, there was no ancient sith spirit possessing her, she was just enjoying the view, it didn't took long for her to invite me to join her in this endeavour. Despite my disappointment in the lack of dark side influence on the ship, I accepted her offer, it was a good distraction from the itching, not the planet, it didn't have anything special, Naila however, she was all I needed to calm down. Now I'm more terrified of her than Lord Vader.

  7. This may just be my "turtle-up" strategy, but I think the best way to use a Super Star Destroyer would be to have escort ships like the Lancers be told to guard it, so they could immediately take out incoming missile barrages. It feels like a strategic misstep to bring them in and not have them exclusively defending the giant glass cannon that's way too easy to destroy with missiles and rockets.

  8. Star Wars X-Wing Starfighters of Adumar was the 9th book in the X-Wing Series. Wedge is sent to planet on a diplomatic mission because of the planet's mentioned dueling cutler. Yes the planet's nobility have fighters meant for dueling each other.
    It was a really fun read back in the day.

  9. If I remember that book with Adumar right, the blaster-sword has the barrel at the tip of the sword and it fires when the edge/tip makes contact with another blade/an object. Weird book, almost an Ace Combat novel at times, but it also has the Wedge Antilles formula for instant speeches that I've used in real life to decent effect.

  10. I kinda really liked the Rebel fleet that attacked Malastare, Felt very Rebel to me. One capital ship supported by Picket ships and Carriers, protected by Dreadnaughts. backed by a cobbled together fight core.

  11. I love the AT-DT / AT-AT combo, is so good. One gives forward sensors while the artillery just sits back and shoots everything it gets close. Of course I have some troops and vehicles babysitting the AT-DT very close as they love to chase any enemy that gets just a little bit to far from their attack range. The AI actually knows it's important to target them, so any air unit will try and swarm the artillery, so any anti air is very necessary, or Vader, he can force grab any air unit so the others can easily destroy it, but he needs to be close.

  12. This might be a silly question, but as I don't play I had this thought with no way to test. If you put some mechanics inside your AT-AT, would they be able to maintain from inside, or does their ability turn off while they are in it? If so, does it also work with medics? and if so, could it work on infantry inside an AT-AT?

  13. A blast sword is essentially a rapier or thereabouts with a blaster nozzle in the tip. Treat it as getting shot by a regular blaster if you get stabbed properly. Note that the edges can cut too. The blaster nozzle can continuously emit destructive energy as a primitive kind of plasma cutter, and set fire to flammable substances.

  14. Lucrehulk count build attempt count 9, 1 currently in production, 8 canceled closest time to completion 5 seconds. Will this be it? Will the Lucrehulk finally be finished? Tune in next time for Admiral Shed's rise to power.

  15. Too bad you were distracted near the end of the space battle for Malastar, and forgot that the planetary turbolaser had finished recharging.
    You could have ended the mon cala cruiser earlier, and I believe the weapon would have had the time to recharge for another shot before the rebels retreated.

    Perhaps you could have nailed the last "intact" dreadnought, but it's still a great victory despite the odds.

  16. Every time I watch a captain shack video I am assulted by an enormous mountain of nerdy cringe that I can help but admire. I esteem to be a nerd of such momentous proportions. Never change captain o7.


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