The Coda was Far More Broken Than I Thought



33 thoughts on “The Coda was Far More Broken Than I Thought”

  1. I can’t express how uninterested I am in this car, but what I am interested in is you and how you do your videos. I love you sir, but not in a weird way. Maybe a little weird.

  2. "Electric cars are reliable" my a** xDD So far in my 97 passat 3 things have broken down since it was new, the radiator fan, the exhaust (thanks to crappy road on my way to work lol) and the trunk key hole… Basically 2 big faults, one small, each fixed for about 20€ xD

  3. Me personally i couldn't care less for hypercars testdrives, nor superduper moneyhyped car building channels. Just a mad man and the will to keep awkward cars going on a reasonable budget actually teaching stuff. Truly blessed content.

  4. You need to ask Santa for a better creeper for Christmas! I've had 2 of the exact same creeper you have leaning up against your lift, and both of them had a wheel break off of them. Plastic Chinese junk!

  5. hey bud. what you did was probably fine and all, but just a little tidbit for you in the future if you gotta do something like that again with the welding. when you put bracing on, you generally do not want to weld the ends. that causes a new stress point and your next break… sort of a new stress riser. you generally get better results by JUST welding perpendicular to the fracture and parallel to the tube being braced. not the end of the world or anything at all!!! just one of those little tips that can make a difference someday down the line. nice work. you're a riot to watch! love it:)

  6. I want to see Robert put solar panels on the coda that recharge the battery slowly over time just to see how well it works on the coda plus it may save the batteries in the coda from going dead like they did in the wheego


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