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  1. Here is my opinion. I think it would have been left alone but certain states took it too far. They took it took nine months and even after birth. And those democrat states are the one that moved from federal government to the states in sense

  2. Ngga!, stammering speech is what Biden does, you better vote Biden 🗳 or this nation will fold under another Trump presidency. Wake your azz up noob! Are you kidding me brother! Are you for real.

  3. JB, your politics is sht and California is a shitty state anyway and I'm from California, born and raised and the deep state supports Trump! Wake up or shut up JB, man. You're stupid 😮

  4. I disagree with Shaun about bronny improving every year. It’s a reason it got push back for being a McDonald all American with his stats. Being already top high school and average stats he had didn’t really stand out. Outside of that great show.

  5. Smitty..You just couldn’t help but make people wanna hit below the belt, with another
    “we hate you cuz we’re not you”
    90’s rant🥱🥱…
    So with that:

    Your wife is unattractive, to say the least…Looks older than you, just not a flex in any way, damn near felt for you when I saw the vacation pics smh 😖…30 & tied to that, with a woke mindset? No thanks..

    Need to chill with the immature stuff when people haven’t even really taken certain shots @ you that are there to be taken…

    She’s clearly falls into the Ayesha Curry slot..
    NOONE sliding in her DM’s..last thing you need to be worried about…

  6. This is where you wrong at. 6:29.

    If my son is on a pro level. No I don’t want to play with them. This goes everything you stand for Coach.

    Sports is a meritocracy. Stop comparing this to Mark Davis and James Dolan.

    If Lebron wanted his son on a team, he should’ve bought a team. Oh my bad. He does own the Lakers.

    But not everyone wants to be on a pro field with their sons or fathers. It’s more to life than just sports. I’d rather backpack through Central Asia with my son or roll on a Jiu Jitsu mat.

    Assuming everyone wants this is some narrow minded athlete shit. With all due respect. It’s more to life.

  7. I just don’t understand why everyone wants to make the abortion debate about the rape cases (which are less than 3 percent of all cases). And not talk about the other 97 percent which are done out of convenience and laziness.

  8. This is the 1st time I am going to accuse Smitty of not being honest. He said he researched the last election when deciding to vote for Biden last time. He has made many uninformed statements this past year where it was clear he was not up on politics. He's even admitted to as much. JS. Still luv the kid

  9. 36:45 Then Lebron should own the team then. When I worked at Walgreens the store manager would let his daughter come work there every Christmas break for a few days. Did that mean I could bring my home in and throw him on register when I wanted to? No. Cause it wasn’t my store.

    You guys provide no context when talking about “Power” and that’s why it’s always abused. That’s the point. Especially Darnell.

    Tired of hearing black ppl say: “White ppl do it” “White ppl been doing it for years”…

    Man yall wanna be white so bad. It kills me.

  10. Smitty, you seem like a genuinely nice guy, and you seem like you would risk your life to defend a friend, so I'm going to spend some time writing this, even if there's only a small chance that you'll see it.

    I want to explain the position of being anti-abortion. Smitty, there was a time when you were in your mother's womb and you were not yet "developed," however you want to define that. You were alive, though, and you were alive because God created you. Your life was as valuable then as it is today, and that principle applies to every single human being. Yes, it even applies to human beings who are conceived as a result of rape or incest. We can have compassion for a woman who has become pregnant as a result of being raped without supporting a right to kill the human being growing inside of her. Making abortion illegal isn't "making the woman have a baby." It's saying that you may not kill the unborn baby that already exists. It's saying that the unborn baby has a right to live. There are people walking around today who were conceived through rape or incest. Are their lives less valuable than ours?

    You said that when you were younger, you thought that abortion was "killing a baby," but now you know that "the baby's not even developed" when it's being killed. Well, take a moment and go search for images of aborted babies and then say that "they're not even developed." Not that what they look like is the basis for the anti-abortion argument, but it seems that you might be under the impression that abortion is only carried out on formless masses of tissue. Anyway, maybe looking at the images will prick your conscience regarding the evil of abortion.

    There were "good" people back in the day who had no problem with slavery. Many people look back now and say, "Why didn't they stand up for the slaves?" Truth be told, most of the people asking that would've just accepted it, too. It's a lot easier to take a stand after the fact, when you're not actually in the midst of it, and when it doesn't cost you anything.

    As for abortion, we're in the midst of it right now. There are thousands of unborn babies being slaughtered in this country every day, and we accept it. You should realize that there's something wrong when they're killing healthy babies in healthy mothers and calling it "healthcare." You should realize that there's something wrong when they classify the right to kill a baby as a "reproductive" right.

    You like to say that two things can be true at the same time. Well, it's possible to care about a woman who's pregnant while at the same time opposing her right to kill her unborn baby.

    May God change your heart on this issue, Smitty. I wish you continued success. God bless.

  11. I always liked Smitty but idk wtf is going on with him lately. If this is a troll job, it worked on me. I dont always agree with you slapdick, but it's team JB here. I can't imagine how difficult it is to find a co-host that isn't overly sensitive. 😕

  12. Smitty was right Lebron has the most power of any athelete . Tiger doesn't have coaches , or , teammates. Also Lebron damn near has sports agency while playing and im not a Lebron guy

  13. A couple things got me SHOOK about this election lead up……
    For one, whoever replaces Joe Biden isnt supposed to legally be able to use a single one of his fundraiser dollars.
    Second thing is, i thought if the president has to stand down or is impeached that the Speaker of the House is automatically injected…..why is nobody talking about the Left basically saying " we might have to CHOOSE a new person to run"….
    Shit is fucked up and people would line up like free million dollar bills to vote for Big Mama Michelle if the pick is her. You know it too.

  14. Dont forget John McAfee said right before he died before the 2020 election that they were going to say biden was mentally unfit for office and somebody asked if he meant michelle or gavin and McAfee replied with a "😊"


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