The Cat Killer That Dismembered Humans For Pleasure

The Cat Killer That Dismembered Humans For Pleasure

“People would tell me stop running, stop running, and I just kept doing it basically.”

“Tonight a prime suspect, a butchered victim, and more body parts sent in the mail.”

Known as one of Canada’s most prolific criminals, he will go down in history as one of the most disturbing individuals to ever walk this earth. Only Euphobia has the full, unedited story. Come with us as we share the dirty secrets and horrendous crimes of Luka Magnotta.

On July 24th, 1982, Luka Rocco Magnotta was born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, a seedy district of Toronto and the same area that the notorious Ken and Barbie K*llers, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka lived when they began their crime spree. Scarborough is known as the bad side of the city, so growing up in the area brought hardship to many. Luka’s parents, Donald Newman and Anna Yourkin, had several issues of their own. Donald struggled with his mental health for most of Luka’s childhood, eventually being diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and Manic Depression in 1996. Anna was a germaphobe and led a strict household, mostly homeschooling Luka and his siblings until 1998. She often locked the children out of the house and punished them for the smallest of messes. A girlfriend of Luka’s said he would tell her that his mother s*xually harmed him when he was younger and how obsessed he was with serial k*llers, especially Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. He also penned blogs on MySpace under the name, Vladimir Romanov, saying his mother was extremely manipulative and had him in diapers until the age of seven. The blogs also claimed he was harmed by a male relative and used money he made as a pr*stitute to take his mother on lavish vacations.

#euphobia #truecrime #documentary


33 thoughts on “The Cat Killer That Dismembered Humans For Pleasure”

  1. First Scarborough is not that hard, but when you pronouncing Etobicoke I couldn't stop laughing, I'd have the same problems I guess if I didn't come from there, also didn't watch the Netflix show but remember seeing it and realised the idiot they was talking about in the first few minutes so turned it off.

  2. Just found this channel a few weeks ago and I love it, most of it. Except ole girl mispronounces sooo many words per video it absolutely has to lose retention. Get someone to “proof-listen” your videos. I’m saying this as a fan, not a hater.

    Also congratulations on 100k

  3. Thanks for this story. That guy is crazy. Those poor little kittens. How can someone be so cruel towards animals. He caused a man's suicide. That poor guy was harassed cause of that fool luka. His evil, killing someone so brutally. I wish the police acted sooner, animal cruelty is a sign of a murderer in the making. This guy is so evil. And to see his mother taking his side, he deserved the death penalty. RIP Jun.

  4. For the people that are gonna complain about animal cruelty (which is a good thing to do). Remember that millions of pigs die in a worse way every year… so please think about this and lets make the world a better place for animals!

  5. I hate him the most I hate his guts I hope he rots alive then rots in hell for eternity, I watched don't F with cats with above level of patience covering my eyes & ears in the part of kittens & puppies torture parts just to reach to the point of his capture, I am scared to go through this again but I trust your discretion,
    could you drop dead damn you Magnota

  6. This guy is from my city, Montreal. And the head of Lin Jun was found in parc Angrignon, right beside my house which was so scary at the time. You realise a murderer was only steps away from where you live. A place where alot of people go to walk their dogs, have a picnic or take pictures of the beautiful surroundings. It was unreal

  7. It’s actually really sucks that Luca is this infamous, because that’s exactly what he wanted. 😒 it irks me.
    Another thing that irks me is the lack of punishment for animal cruelty. In general all over the world is not enough. Here in the US, we are not nearly as hard on animal abusers as we should be….& I think that needs to change. We need a harsher punishments for animal, cruelty, and animal abuse, and maybe it will help to curve some of these horrible crimes from even happening…? Idk?? all I know is it makes me furious when somebody hurts or kills a BEING that can’t stick up for or protect itself. 😡 there’s no words!!

  8. Sadly Luka isn't rotting in prison. He gets to play tennis and go out on day trips for "being a good inmate" so long as he's back by curfew. His prison sentence is a JOKE. He's even seeing someone too, I think married to them.

  9. Sadly, I have to pass by the very building where Jun Lin was murdered every time I head to my office.
    Luka is a sociopath and narcissist. He couldn’t tell the truth even if he tried. He’s compulsively cruel. Harming animals is truly a gateway to serial killing. If this guy had been in the general public and never caught, I couldn’t imagine how many other poor animals and people he would have gone on to kill. I also highly doubt that Jun Lin was his first victim.


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