The Callisto Protocol – Review After 100%

Checking out The Callisto Protocol in tandem with it’s launch day. An interesting take on the survival horror genre with a lot of clear inspiration from Dead Space

00:00 Intro
01:14 Overview
01:46 Difficulty & Accessibility
02:44 Story Set Up & Thoughts
04:54 Progression Systems
06:26 Combat
10:37 Worldbuilding/Atmosphere
13:22 Technical Issues
14:47 Steam Deck
15:16 DLC Plans
16:00 Positives/Negatives
17:29 Conclusion

Intro Music By Juan Andrés Matos,

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49 thoughts on “The Callisto Protocol – Review After 100%”

  1. I really don't get the hype this game received.
    I mean right at the first trailers, it looked like a more beautiful Dead Space with more generic enemies and setting.
    And now that I've watched some gameplay well… It looks exactly like that !
    Not that people shouldn't enjoy it ofc, I mean it looks very decent, but nothing mindblowing.

  2. Thanks for the review man, I feel as if the game had issues but a lot of people hyped it up to the point where they just like to pile on it just to hate it, there are complaints to be had, but it's a solid game for sure.

  3. Isn't this just a striped down version of dead space with some beautiful graphics? I was hoping you were gonna talk more about the comparison(cuz dead space is one of my all time favorite games)this looks cool but rushed, meaning they wanted to release it for the holidays and before the dead space remake, very linear but that is not necessarily a bad thing for the start of a franchise leaving room to expand and explore the world more. Thanks for your review.

  4. This is the only positive review I've seen of this game. I'm still not going to buy it because I'm not a fan of survival horror games, but nice to see it getting recommended by someone.

  5. I agree with this review, I think people are acting a bit too overkill and are being too critical of the game. It's a very fun game to play and is very immersive. The intro was very strong and the story is decent. The gameplay is sometimes frustrating but its still fun. The performance issues is what caused me to refund the game.

  6. As far as the hiccups go, I wouldn’t worry to much about your graphics card —> it’s not the bottleneck.

    These stutters usually occur when things do not manage to load in time so the game freezes while a load is processed (this type of loading is called streaming as it is SUPPOSED to not interrupt the game).

    Clearly, this game is terrible at streaming (another hint for me is the fact that apparently it runs better on PS5 than most PCs —> probably cause the people playing on PC do not have high end RAM and NVME drives that can stream all that data so quickly).

    While this is just a guess, it’s my guess as someone who’s literally dealt with this many times while developing games.

    It just does not seem like a GPU bottleneck to me.

  7. On the technical issues for PC, a patch has been put out which seems to have resolved most people's performance problems. Technically it went live last night but I wanted to wait a bit and make sure it was actually fixing it for most people before pinning this. Also seems to have mostly resolved the steam deck issues at the same time.

  8. I think I'll wait until it's heavily discounted to play or maybe like 25% off, although if they can nail the issues of this one in a sequel this could be insane and the same levels of when Dead Space 2 came out

  9. Only just discovered your channel but love the way you make your videos, straight to the point and clear category separation, quickest sub of my life haha

  10. Solid review, pointing out the cons which the most important for me especially these days as so many youtube influencers `forget`. I can`t justify shelling out that much, especially as I wanted to get it for my brother for Christmas on his deck. . if a 3080ti is having issues, hmm. with no ng+ and a one shot 12 or so hours I can`t justify it. Combat looks pretty cool reminds me of bulletstorm with the death walls. on the positive it looks clean and fresh, ironically for the gore.

  11. Similarities to Dead Space aside, I feel like they crammed the entire story and lore of 3 games into 1. Imagine they'd taken Dead Space 1 to 3 and crammed it all in a 7 hour game. The story itself in CP isn't bad, but it feels waaaaay to crammed and the pacing is way too much off.

    The entire outbreak happened way too fast, they could've built in more prisoners trying to escape; more security forces (some trying to restore order, some trying to escape) etc. Imagine if you could've chosen to help guards or prisoners against each other and the monsters, or hell: sacrifice them to bypass harder sections to reduce enemy counters and so forth.

    The story could've been a LOT more to also help the game differ from Dead Space even further. There's already a prison-horror-action game that mastered this craft: The Suffering. Callisto could've been like that game, but in space.

  12. Runs perfectly fine on ps5. I’ve beat it once and I’m in chapter (lost) on my second play through and I’ve never had issues besides the two heads lol. Fück one shot enemies in any game (imo) lol. But the games great I just didn’t think it lived up to the hype it had.

  13. Hi Mort, do you live stream any games you review? Thanks. Git to your channel from WOTR, haven't looked back since, you are an incredible content creator. Keep up the great work!

  14. From what I’ve played of Callisto protocol I feel it’s a good survival horror game, and I actually liked the things people are annoyed with, though the one thing with combat, it feels more like it’s supposed to be crowd control, keeping the other enemies away at a distance while you fight the one your currently fighting

  15. I keep seeing so many different scores for this game. I don’t see why people are overly bashing the game for it seems solid and your review was very insightful and detailed thank you for that.

  16. another great review from you, as expected lol. I held off on watching or reading any reviews and played 10+hrs straight and im currently in late game. I think its very fun especially combat, also fills that scifi survival horror we have all been craving. also looks and played amazing for me on ps5. as far as negatives imo: enemy variety is limited as you mentioned; wish there was a bit more exploration and area accessibility because you can basically get locked out of an area if you go the scripted path 1st; the save file system is terrible and doesn't save exactly where you are but rather just makes your autosave a new manual one; one of the biggest problems I had is how much your slowly going through small passage ways, I mean there has to be at least a full hour of just slowly crouching or sliding through cracks. I put more crits than positives just because I actually love it and wish a few things were better. if your skeptical about getting it maybe wait for a price drop but if you liked dead space you will like this as well. I think its a great game but nothing too groundbreaking. thanks again Mort for your review as per usual you always do a great job!

  17. The game was trash.
    1) Cut story content to sell as dlc and season pass in an 8 hour game that costs 70$
    2) Denuvo
    3) Optimization/shuttering issues
    4) Unlikable characters
    5) Absolutely garbage enemy variety (Same 4 enemies all game)
    6) Review embargo lifted in the day of release to scam customers cause they knew the game wasn't ready for launch

  18. Glad to finally see a positive review on this game. I picked up the deluxe edition to support Schofield and his team since seeing the trailers and gameplay made me excited to seeing where their vision for this game would go and while I'm having a rough start, I'm slowly getting the hang of it. My only couple of complaints are fixing the Save/Checkpoint system so you don't lose minutes of progress should you either reload a manual save that is treated as an auto save or if you die in a particularly frustrating part and include a map of some kind similar like Dead Space so you don't accidentally miss something worth collecting but that's just me.

  19. Thanks for the review. I’ve seen a few mixed/negative reviews but these seem to be focussed on performance and expecting the game to be Dead Space 2.0 rather than it’s own thing


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