The Brutality of War #shorts #movies


47 thoughts on “The Brutality of War #shorts #movies”

  1. Not every german was a nazi
    Not every nazi was a german

    Not every axis was evil
    Not every ally was good

    Not every axis was cowardly
    Not every ally was heroic

    Not every soldier fought for country
    Not every soldier fought for freedom.

  2. For those saying this is wrong you should know that Japanese soldiers who “surrendered” often hid grenades and set them off when Allied soldiers tried to apprehend them. That’s why American soldiers didn’t take any chances.

  3. Japanese soldiers beheaded chinese civilians for a sport(they held speed beheading contest as a game, where they played beheading of 100+ civilians per soldier), played bag throwing using civilian babies and infants, and mutilated comfort women when they got pregnant or had STD transmitted to them by Japanese soldiers.

  4. “Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war”

    Otto von Bismarck, German Statesman and the Father of German Unification


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