The Boys on the Tracks & a 35 Year Cover-up

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30 thoughts on “The Boys on the Tracks & a 35 Year Cover-up”

  1. I'm from Arkansas. My friends mom was an FBI agent who worked on this case. She said a certain President from our state was absolutely involved. She ended up having to leave the bureau because of threats to her safety when she wanted to pursue the case

  2. "[the mother] was running smear campaigns in the public square trying to get people to out the sheriff for a massive cover-up."

    Me, sipping a seltzer in my basement: good for her

  3. The title and thumbnail of this video didn’t interest me that much but because its Wendigoon, I decided to just throw it on in the background, and oh boy was I taken for a fucking ride

  4. Everyone knows who was behind this. There's a whole body count being tabulated and the acronym being CBC. I'm assuming we're not allowed to say it or maybe I should watch the whole video.

  5. Anyone interested in this, look into the disappearance of April Pitzer. She also lived in the same area and had a weird drug charge thing, and moved to a town of like twenty people in California and one of the people taken down in the Arkansas drug ring April was forced to narc on somehow found her there, and she disappeared entirely. It's CREEPY.

  6. And all of this relates to the Iran Contra cover up of the CIA bringing in cocaine and inventing crack to fund the Contra Rebels in Nicaragua behind congress's back. Berry Seal was a CIA contractor, that's all been documented, and has direct ties to some very nefarious acts when Bill Clinton was the Attorney General of Arkansas before he became the governor of Arkansas and was the governor of Arkansas at the time when all this was going on. This whole thing is a very small piece of a giant puzzle and a much bigger picture that was going on at that time and I say probably still is going on today.


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