The Bloom | Battle Of Chasiv Yar | The head Of The SBU Is On Wanted List. Military Summary 2024.04.1

This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 1st of April 2024
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47 thoughts on “The Bloom | Battle Of Chasiv Yar | The head Of The SBU Is On Wanted List. Military Summary 2024.04.1”

  1. Even losses of 2-3 tanks a day seem enormous. Exactly hoe many tabks does Ukraine have ? How does UkrIne even pay fot its military ane equipemnt as well as the gocerbmenr wokers and pensions. Something doesnt make sense

  2. Last night I was dreaming about the waror maybe I'm writing in a sensationalist way ( MSM influences) or being too lyrical, maybe I was thinking about it while I was half asleep and because I always watch the videos at night ( here it is 2:34 am Oeiras, Lisbon and I have to waking up early!) but I thought about the arrival of the Russians in Slaviansk and that, with that, we would almost be at the end of the conflict! I question whether with the taking of this city, the end is near?! I hope so, especially for the combatants and the inhabitants, as it means the end of victims, whether military and/or civilian, the end of suffering, the beginning of reconstruction and above all peace and reconciliation! Although there are some States and certain "statesmen" who do not think so (the case of the one who said: "they will fight until the last…"). But let's hope so! And the end is in sight! greetings from Portugal

  3. a funny and true story… In Slovakia, a summit of NATO officers took place in a hotel in the mountains. Suddenly, the bear started charging into the hotel. While the brave NATO officers fled to their rooms, the cooks and waiters held the door to the hotel to prevent the bear from entering

  4. Kerson, LPR, ZAP, Donbass is not part of ukraine. The people who live in these lands have decided they want to be part of RF not ukraine. Every person has a right of self determination according to geneva convention resolution no. 37. Respect the peoples wishes and decisions. Ukraine is illegally invading the RF lands of Donbass, ZAP, LPR, Kerson

  5. The REPO Act is inevitable. And that confiscation of another nation's assets and wealth will forever paint the US as risky to do business with. It will be the single greatest blunder ever made. And our end as the sole superpower. BRICS will increase year by year. New morality. New ideology. New business models. And less war. And that alone will sink the West.

  6. Refugees are saying that Russia is using very old tanks at close range [7 mins in] with just 1 or 2 crew and escape holes under them. There is no reloading so we may infer that scrap metal but firing heavy shells then crew b ailing out to wait for APCs is designed to cause UAF troops to waste ammo.
    Chasiv Yar to Veremiikva is 90 miles. This is where the borders of 3 oblasts meet and 2 are not on the Kremlin tick list. In other words it look like the Russians want to symbolism of being on the Donbas borders with the SMO core plan achieved.
    Zelenskyy's demands list for talking to Lavrov were rejected by the versatile diplomat and Russia can claim that the man who made the demands is constitutionally no longer in office.
    That will cause much consternation in European NATO countries.
    Zelenskyy will not have been deposed but has just run out a legal roadway.

  7. The alleged attack on "Crocus City" in Russia is a CIA psy op false flag. Think about it. For starters there is no city in Russia called Crocus. Doesn't exist. Also if this attack supposedly occurred in Russia, as opposed to a sound stage in Utah, then answer this. Why in the pictures is Crocus City written in English? Shouldn't it be written in Russian with ceramic letters? This is CIA deep fake so they can make money for the industrial military complex and the oil companies.

  8. Hello Dima , another beautiful M/summary as usual. Keep up the good work !! Dima, I was just wondering if you can send the Links for the map you're using in your M/Summary if it's possible I'll appreciate it. Thank you !!

  9. When / If the Russian's Get between the two water reserves' north of Karlovs'ke revervoir they will easily cut off Everything west & South of the E50 Highway going through Karlovs'ka it will be a big operational encirclement and every thing east of there is Wide open Spaces very few Building Structures .. and few ways for the Forces south and west of Karlivka –Netalvoka and Peromyas'ka
    Is Hung out to Dry, Brilliant tactics by the Russians IMHO

  10. A basic question regarding spreadsheets that you sometimes view. For example, on what basis is the loss of soldiers on the Ukrainian side calculated? For example, I believe that it is not possible to accurately determine the number of people killed by long-range shelling. Therefore, I am guessing that the numbers displayed are just estimates. Is this understanding correct? Or, is it correct to understand that the numbers are limited to those that can be determined with certainty, and therefore represent the minimum number of war results?

  11. It doesn’t matter whether zelensky sits in the presidential chair, or he will be replaced. For ukrainians, this will not change anything; in ukraine, a person serving the interests of ukraine cannot come to power, only work for america

  12. As Zelensky's term comes to a close, and the real possibility of losing Kharkiv, Odessa, Kherson, and Mikolaev oblasts approaches nearer and nearer in time, Ukrainians everywhere who want peace and an end to the carnage, and to salvage those endangered oblasts, should call for the reinstatement of President Yanukovych, the only leader BOTH sides can trust to preside over a neutral Ukraine, his record of neutrality proves it (it was a pretext for the revolutionary coup).

  13. dima, did you just say that it might be a victory for russians to lose 40 tanks to win 100 meters of land? would really hate it if this channel became really biased


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