The Biggest Criminals Against Al Aqsa ( Not Zionists) & Islam

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41 thoughts on “The Biggest Criminals Against Al Aqsa ( Not Zionists) & Islam”

  1. Sheikh, what is the trajectory of Turkey?
    there is a hadith which says Banu Isaac will liberate Turkey with la ilaaha illa Allah and thereafter they will be called out by a person that Dajjal has come into their lands so they will return.
    Is turkey considered occupied under Erdogan or is it going to be occupied under a foreign leader?

  2. Truth has been spoken, as always, by this Dear Brother and Teacher. Truth is rare these days; nay, it's frowned upon, and goes unrewarded more often than not, by Muslims in high places – Muslim Professors at "elite universities", Muslim Managers in Large Corporations, etc. They're what I refer to as – LICK-BOOTS-MUSLIMS!
    Muslim Nations and Leaders SIGNED AGREEMENTS with ZIONISTS to take a Hands-Off Position as regards matters involving The Holy Land (and elsewhere)! It's WE MUSLIMS who Destroyed our own Caliphate!
    Today, THE MUSLIM WORLD is being taught and led by MILK SHAKES!

  3. Spot on, showing the hypocrisy of Turkey and real face of Erdogan to the people that were not aware yet. The friday Khutbas here in Europe in the Turkish masjids are prepared by the turkish government. They all tell the same thing and it is scripted by their "Diyanet" organisation. Just when the genocide is taking place, instead of preparing the muslims for this, they talked about the importance of "besmeleh" and basic things every muslim knows. Just to keep them busy and take attention away from this genocide in which Turkey is complicit with by providing the steel for their weapons, pilot training etc.

  4. Sincere and ordinary everyday Muslims stood by helplessly wondering what could possibly be done, in addition to Dua'a, to materially help alleviate the oppression and suffering and genocide of our Brothers and Sisters and Children in The Holy Land Land; well there is something we can do, and it doesn't cost a single penny – REIGNITE THE KHILAFAT MOVEMENT!
    Form groups wherever you are, use all the technology and communication platforms available, and DRIVE DELICATELY TOWARD RE-ESTABLISHING THE KHILAFAT!
    Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) won't come until this happens; he's not that kind of "saviour"! He'll need to DELEGATE AND DESIGNATE what has to be done to others, others who are sincere in supporting the Khilafat!
    Therein lies the power of the people, and that's what these 3-dollar-bill Muslim Leaders and Zionists are afraid of. Khilafat!
    And Allah knows Best.

  5. According to dearest sheikh Imran Hosein. Israel is a product of yajuj and majuj. The leaders of Israel are the descendants of yajuj and majuj. Now I understand why sheikh Imran Hosein is saying this. Yajuj and majuj can only be destroyed by Allah when some small thing attacks their necks and all die at once. If I was Israeli I would fully endorse this position. Sheikh Imran Hosein is implying don't fight Israel since only Allah can destroy them. Additionally the sheikh has stated that a people cannot return to a city once Allah has destroyed it until yajuj and majuj are released. In other words the Jews are now allowed to return to Jerusalem as yajuj and majuj are released. He is a clever man. I'm sure Israel will agree with everything he says. I imagine it. Yes yes! We are those yajujy majujy people you speak of. We are indestructible. Don't try to fight us. That god of yours will destroy us by that thing that is supposed to attack our necks, right? And yes! your god has allowed us back to Jerusalem. We have your gods blessing to return. That's what your most eminent and greatest scholar says.

  6. This umma has already been taken over by Turkic slave soldiers called Memluks, Seljuks, Timurids, Oghuz, and their cousins all over the Middle East and Asia. They were brought in for their large numbers during the Abbasid era at first. But these nomadic fools have no love for Islam. They are Yajuj and Majuj and are corrupting this umma and will destroy everything they touch. Nothing they touch is fruitful. And nothing their descendants touch is fruitful. That’s why this umma is weak and swimming in a lake of piss.

  7. 245 million Pakistanis, and they couldn’t even protect Imran Khan. The despotic leaders only bank on the fact that Muslims are cowards and will not react to anything they do. Imran Khans detainment should’ve led to civil war. This happened in the American Revolution. If this would’ve happened, Afghanistan would’ve joined, India would’ve tried to recapture Pakistan and the Afghanis would’ve landed a blow to India like they’ve never seen. Kashmir would’ve been retaken not by the Pakistanis, but by the Kashmiri resistance, Pakistani Mujahideen and Afghani military. This is how things happen, but the Pakistanis are going to let their leader rot in jail. This is why Pakistan is useless to the Mahdi. It is my opinion that the Mahdi needs sharp, intelligent, honest, and brave men who aren’t gullible and naive but have a geopolitical understanding of world affairs and belligerence of a boulder in the face of oppression.

  8. As Salam alaykum, I think is great to chastise and expose the political and religious monafiqeen who are the most dangerous and insidious enemies of Muslims and Islam, however , you should acknowledge and be kind with Muslims that are spilling their bloods fighting the Zionists and US/Nato gangs; Yemenis, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq fighters, etc

  9. لاَّ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَـنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّـلِمِينَ
    Yab Rabbi give us the strenght to say it to our imam in Allah masjid like this good man are telling us to do,Aamiin.

    truth in word saying and most logic
    acting about the masjid in muslim country. JazakAllah sheikh.

  10. Our imams are a lost case they only care if you speak against mufti e azam taqi usmani or moulana fazal Ur Rehman … If you say anything against them you become something of an alien …

  11. The majority of Muslims in Bosnia are sunny. Iran, where the majority of Shia were, provided us with the weapons we needed to protect our families from evil that was coming from both Christians and the Bosnian war. And go figure out who your friend is. Saudi Arabia became a dominant player in mosque building after the war ended. Bosnians love Turkey because of the Ottoman Empire, but Turkey has invested more money in Bosnia's enemy, Serbia.

  12. MashAllah very good lecture right on the 100th anniversary (March 3, 1924) corresponding to Rajab 28, 1342 AH of the destruction of Khilafah. ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة

  13. Salam Sheikh . From what I have noticed.Every time the argument against Muslim leaders gains traction. It turns into a theology debate. And they manipulate the common Muslim using jargon and use mental gymnastics that confuses people. They quote Hadith and other Islamic sources of knowledge. This always shuts people down .

  14. Brother , why in one of your previous videos , you said if any one wants to migrate to buffalo ( in America ) that we should contact you ?

    What’s the point of moving from one kafir country to another ( from U.K. to America) ???

    Please answer this question!

  15. Imran khan is Controlled opposition its based on masons duality its combine evil and good. They promote trump as evil and Biden as the good hero then they will switch to Trump being the savior and Biden being evil. Supporting this idea of the lesser two evil is to support this duality ideology. The flip is based on the magic trick of Masons of whatever is up is also down and vice versa

  16. بے خطر کھود پڑا آتش نمرود میں عشق
    عقل ہے محو تماشائے لب بام ابھی
    (ڈاکٹر محمد اقبال رح)

    Regards from District Lower Dir, KPK, Pakistan


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