The Big Burn | Full Documentary | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | PBS

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Inspired by Timothy Egan’s best-selling book, THE BIG BURN is the dramatic story of the massive wildfire that swept across the Northern Rockies in the summer of 1910.

In the spring of 1905, the first group of fresh-faced graduates of Yale’s Forestry School began to arrive in the bawdy frontier towns of the West. These first employees of the Forest Service were given the monumental task of managing the newly created national forests in the Northern Rockies. Nothing could have prepared them for the severity of the drought there in 1910. Fires broke out continually and were fought by the rookie rangers as best they could. In mid-August, the particularly destructive fire season hit its peak: in just 36 hours, a firestorm burned more than three million acres and killed at least 78 firefighters, confronting the fledgling U.S. Forest Service with a catastrophe that would define the agency and the nation’s fire policy for much of the twentieth century.

As America tries to manage its fire-prone landscapes in the twenty-first century, THE BIG BURN provides a cautionary tale of heroism and sacrifice, arrogance and greed, hubris and, ultimately, humility, in the face of nature’s frightening power.


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23 thoughts on “The Big Burn | Full Documentary | AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | PBS”

  1. I lived a few miles from Wallace and the one vision that will forever be embedded in my head is the still existent huge metal shutters on the brick buildings. I wonder if there is a documentary on smelterville, just a few miles from Wallace and it being one of the largest toxic contaminated superfund sites in the world unfortunately from its efforts to supply lead to the military for war efforts. My dog ultimately died from swimming in a pond on a gold course that is ground zero for the smelter.

  2. The greatest Prevention 4 for spiders is logged industry that puts firewall Gen. It, send the forest out.
    And And it protects the forest by reforestation that would save millions of dollars and thousands of lives and and promote a business that will be. Excellent for our economy. I think we need a lot more common sense when it comes to managing Our natural resources

  3. Gifford Pinchot wasn't a forester any more than he was an advocate for saving forests. He was a lowlife criminal Eugenicist (just like Roosevelt). Both were politicians and bureaucrats. Pinchot later became Governor of Pennsylvania. Both men did the bidding (and Policy Agenda) of the Zionist/ Globalist International Central Bankers (Rothschild Agents like John D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan, among many others), who wanted to Steal Public Land away from the Citizens and prevent the Citizenry from being given Homesteads as had been the general Government Policy of Western Expansionism and "Manifest Destiny" (to facilitate Westward Migration and Homesteads for the Citizenry). President Taft fired Pinchot, because he was well aware his agenda had nothing to do with so-called "Conservation".

    As always PBS (and the people behind these "Documentaries") fail to do any real investigative journalism on the topics at hand). They are great (sometimes mindless entertainment to be sure), but much of it could be rightfully and truthfully called propaganda brainwashing. Government Stolen National Forests (so-called "Public Lands the Public cannot make use of for the most part) benefit the public in essentially no way, shape or form. They benefit Politicians, Bureaucrats, Bankers, and the corporations they allow to exploit the resources on the land.

    Their failed and increasingly radical environmental policies ultimately created the model for why we have devastating massive Wildfires nowadays. They didn't know how to manage the Forests or so called public lands. The most effective way is not clear-cutting (how Pinchot's family made their money), but selective logging and replanting (the same model which evolved into what is done today).

  4. I love the program and it is relevant to my family. My ancestors (Rankin) lived in the path of the fire. If not for a brave man with a motorcar who evacuated the family, my history would be a lot different.


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