The BEST Way To Use The GOLDEN MASK FILTER in MW3 Zombies!!

The GOLDEN MASK FILTER is a brand new schematic released in season 3 reloaded of MW3 zombies. Alongside Dead Wire Detonators and the Seargent’s Beret, how useful is the Golden Mask Filter, really? Let’s use it as it’s intended, and find out!
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50 thoughts on “The BEST Way To Use The GOLDEN MASK FILTER in MW3 Zombies!!”

  1. Maybe if the zombies dropped things that refil it that would be better kinda like if you needed you could use plates on your golden .. reg zombies drops so much mask time or level and hvts drop more mask time than lower level … I dunno .. it has to be more than what It is to be any good …

  2. The Gold Mask Filter feels rushed to me… it almost seems like a last minute decision to make it regen while equipped instead of a much slower depletion rate. Feels more like a silver mask filter. I have high hopes for season 4 reloaded while thinking of the possibilities!

  3. Honestly Dougnuts you should make a video about how COD 3 should give good loot in ZONE 3 while doing contracts. Like getting more Flawless Crystal, Legendry Tool, Aether Blade, Golden Armour, Scorcher, and etccc.

  4. Make it like the Dog Bone. Let the schematics in the Dark Aether. But why not collecting items in the Nests to change it anywhere. Or Stormcaller can drop the item. Or the golden armor give the item the Warlords. So you give Stormcaller and the Warlords more sense.

  5. Hey Doughnuts, they seemingly changed the incendiary rounds on the MW2 guns. They all seem to act like the ISO with the incendiary rounds. I had luck with the SO-14 and RAPP-H. Took out an A-Bomb Gray no pack!

  6. I think they need to bring the dmz style crafting to zombies. So to get say the golden mask you need a gold skull and a purple mask to make one like how you had to craft the med vest or stealth vest in dmz. We have the items in game let's use them.

  7. I think a great solution would be to add the PDS to MWZ. Drop that just before your mask is about to pop which would then allow you to recharge maximising your time to over 2 full masks.

  8. Yea golden gas Mask filter isn't really useful!? It'd be better if it like doubled or trippled the durability time and if it wouldn't break when it runs down it'd be nice that way u can't lose ur mask!? Just making it so that the mask can't break when golden filter is on would make it more worth using!!?? Itd suck to use golden filter and then end up having ur mask break still cuz u didn't pay attention!? Plus like mentioned in video the aether nests and strongholds rarely have many exits so u could get stuck and have mask break if u don't pay attention!? The blood burner keys and this golden mask filter really shouldn't have been schematics!? They need to concentrate on making the schematics only for really useful things!? Like blood burner keys and golden mask filters r really not that useful!? Blood burner really is basically useless cuz usually there's plenty of vehicles around!? And the special Aether pulse the bike has is basically useless cuz it doesnt do shit to bosses!? It only is good for wiping out a group of zombies but u gotta run over 15-25 zombies to charge pulse!? Ur better off just running energy mine and dropping that around groups of zombies cuz at least energy mine damages bosses!? And golden filter is only good if ur guna run the nest and strongholds!? They should make it so u can find random great loot in the nests and strongholds especially in tier 3 ones….that'd make em more worth doing!? Like if u could do a nest or stronghold in tier 3 and have chance of getting a wonder weapon case or something else really useful!? Golden filter needs to just be made unlimited that way it's useful!? Yea the season 2 story mission is the easiest of the story missions probably, aside from that Damm infested stronghold in there..that can be a pain even with death perception!? I got accidentally dragged into that story mission with a group a few days ago!? I had asked if people wanted yo do new elder with me but apparently those guys didn't get me cuz i told them I was at portal at e4 and dude showed up and invited me so figured that's my guys and joined em but then I got promt to vote so I thought someone else used a sigil but then when got into DA I realized it was fucking season 2 story mission and was super bummed cuz I'd used a vr11 and legendary tool and pap 3 crystal but when mission started for some reason one guy dropped a vr11 and asked if anyone wanted it so I took it to replace one I'd used!? So that was ok but it was basically just me and 1 other guy doing the mission the other 2-3 guys were off doing Easter egg shit…apparently they're way behind!? One guy didn't even know there was a 2nd and 3rd Dark Aether!? That's y I tend to run solo!? It's harder yea but at least I'm not relying on idiots to try to help!? U just never know if yr guna team with guys who r good and know what to do or if ur guna get people who don't have a clue!? And its pretty satisfying when u complete the Dark Aethers solo!? I did season 3 DA solo on just my 2nd try!? Watching YouTube videos can really help if ur struggling!? They've helped me a good bit on knowing what to do and how best to do it!? There's a handful of guys I watch but Hypnostic and Spazzo have been quite helpful with strats for Dark Aethers!!? If ur struggling go check those guys out…their video's can really help!? I also watch NoahJ456 and few others!? The only spot golden filter might be real useful could be if u go after warlord keres cuz of the gas in where she's hiding!? Sergeants beret and golden filter could be good for fighting keres!?

  9. I’m very sorry to see zombie slowly dying…I don’t know but my lobbies are empty, hard to find people to team up with, once you get all the schematics, it’s always the same game. No new contracts, no new missions😢

  10. I would be much more interested in doing aether nests and infested strongholds if they made them into contracts. That way in the end game they are way more uselful and more replayable.

  11. I did my first elder run today got all 3 schematics in one go. Mind you with squad of 4. While getting ready for the dark aether I looted a bunch in tier 3 and found literally 4 epic eather tools in already open eather boxes. Now I find this interesting is it because legendary tools are more common now or is it that people are just spamming legendary tools in their stash that they don't care about epic tools?

  12. I could be mistaken but I think the mags of holding has 100% chance from the season 2 story mission. Every time I've done it I've done it with someone else and I think we both have a 100% rate of getting it.

  13. man you really want a surprise I'd say 10-20% of the time you can find a legendary weapon or wonder weapon in the top of dokkaebi tower, even found an epic tool in a toolbox there once

  14. All you have to do w/ Golden Gas Mask Filter is keep an open slot in your backpack so you can Unequip your gas mask for like 10 seconds & let it refill & re-equip your gas mask.

  15. It seems that the time, money, and effort put into making this and the disguise HAVE to be for something more than what we have now. I would think they both will show their worth in future updates. Maybe in the supposed coming PVP mode?

  16. I'm on the serpentine camo grind and go to infected strongholds for a guarantied 3 boss spawns in tier 2 along with a decent amount of good loot. I've encountered so many wonder weapons its a shame I was on a camo grind. Every stronghold building is basically the same there's only 4-6 variations each with same locations per variation for spores I believe and you can get so many kazimers, monkey bombs, perks, self res, purple tools, and wonder weapons from teir 2 its crazy!

  17. IMO the nests and strongholds should have been made more difficult by tier. Maybe add an aspect where the higher the tier, the faster the spores will grown back if you don’t finish the whole thing in a certain period of time. Or increase the difficultly of the “waves” that trigger as you progress.

    lol or both 😅

  18. Whats the point of Golden Mask? We lose out durlast mask when it completely goes out. I dont even try the 3rd Dark Aether, i just continue 1 or 2 Dark Aether.

  19. The scematic would be worth it if it was only a 2 hour cool down, but 2 days for helping a slight inconvenience of having to run to a ammo crate when doing nest is pointless.

  20. Make it so the blood burner can’t be ridden by anyone else if you use keys. Free ones? Fine anyone can ride. But every time i get off my bike it gets stolen


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