The Best Way to Level Trading Companies In Season 11 (Sea of Thieves)

This video highlights all of the tips I have found to quickly level up in the season 11, as well as providing an overall method to quick level for each trading company!

#seaofthieves #fotd #season11 #tutorial #guide


15 thoughts on “The Best Way to Level Trading Companies In Season 11 (Sea of Thieves)”

  1. Raid voyages suck for Athena sadly all you get are crates of voyages like really I'm doing a marked event for 4 of the shittiest loot items in the Athena's loot pool but I get a single talisman not worth farm veil voyage shipwreck grave yards and your emissary quest

  2. 0:14 Gold Hoarders
    – Fleet of Fortune World Event
    – Ashen Vaults
    – Any Raid Voyages, pick one that drops big company items
    – Fight all emergent events that happen to you (Shipwrecks, Megalodons, popup Skelly Ships)

    2:49 Order of Souls
    – Skeleton Fort Raid Voyages

    – Hunt for Skeleton Lords
    – Any Raid Voyages
    – Shipwrecks kinda
    – Fight all emergent events that happen to you

    4:50(<Preface) – 5:22(<Actual start) Merchant Alliance
    – Fort of the Damned
    – Ashen Lost Executive Shipments
    – Raid Voyages
    – Fight all emergent events that happen to you

    Change it up to save yourself from burnout as the grind can get a bit repetitive. Thanks for the info!

  3. Sold 1.1mil stack as OoS over 7hrs (Non gold rush). Start with Fort and Island hop small/small/big on quests til emissary 5, claim quests – put down cpt voyages to overlap emissary quests, rinse and repeat – make sure to pickup every bottle.

  4. This is best for reapers/overall. If you want to make a ton from a single raid voyage, you can lower down the voyage before you have the loot spawn (ex. Killing an ashen lord spawns loot, so lower the voyage before it dies). This will spawn the normal loot pool instead of the faction-specific loot.


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