The Best Times in History to Be Alive

According to historians, a ‘golden age’ is when cultures around the world achieved new heights in science, medicine, literature, economics, philosophy, and a slew of other fields.

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43 thoughts on “The Best Times in History to Be Alive”

  1. Interesting that you didn’t put an end date on the Post WW2 US era. Dead by the early 70s with the oil crisis, high inflation and massive job losses in manufacturing as western economies moved towards more service based industries. I always considered that the post ww2 boom in the US ended immediately after the moon landing. Sadly some Americans still think they live in the best country in the world. But…..

  2. If you're a white man. Or could say "roman man of nobility". Or a couple others such as "a person with certain levels of power in the land that isn't prejudiced against them" but you always have to qualify it for any time other then right now.
    The best time, the golden age, is whatever time you're living in because it will always be the "most advanced". Give or take a bit as it's not a straight line up, it's a trend.
    That's kinda the cool thing about time. Everybody got to feel like they were living in the most advanced time ever. It's just the degree to which you saw things advance in your lifetime that changes.

  3. All but one of the time periods on your list came before the age of penicillin so therefore they are automatically disqualified from my list of possible time travel destinations. Everything was the worst before antibiotics. Death was around every corner.

  4. Simon is now starting to look like a Wizard! I really want him to be dressed like Merlin in a video and be deadly serious and not explain why he's dressed like that watch YouTube break itself 😆😆

  5. #10.… The way I heard it was that he went on a buying spree while passing though the country and used gold instead of the local coin and spent so much gold that it depressed the price of gold in turn depressing the economy.
    But he sat things right (to an extent) when he passed by again on the way home by buying back most of the gold that he had spent.

  6. Not everyone in Mali was happy. Like the Empire of Ghana it conquered, the economy was based on vast plantations manned by slaves. Mansa Musa's enormous gold reserves were mined by his slaves and his own chronicle states that on his hadj to Mecca in the 1300s, he and his court were accompanied by 20,000 slaves (given the ancients tendency to exaggerate, probably 2,000). His wealth also came from the slave and ivory trades. Of course there were slaves in Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Caliphate and most other civilizations mentioned here. "Golden Ages" were usually golden only for some.

  7. It's interesting how the top 10 'golden' ages will always vary depending on a scholar's bias. The dark side of a one of these eras is that it is usually an era of intense political instability and almost always ended by a conquest or war though sometimes not. The low-hanging fruit of easy or obvious discoveries is just exhausted then it is work, work, work.
    take care

  8. To be alive if you weren't a peasant. It's ridiculous how people are proud to be descended from glorious historical figures, when they are probably the descendants of their slaves and servants.


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