The Best Tank of WW2

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Created by Daniel Turner (B.A. (Hons) in History, University College London)


48 thoughts on “The Best Tank of WW2”

  1. The t34 is very similar to the Sherman, but it could also be drastically changed to become a Tank Destroyer. ALSO, THERE WERE EIGHTY THOUSAND PRODUCED, compared with 50,000 shermans.

  2. There is a Russian word that means especially antiroad ,antipath, Unpath, unway ,wrongway ,noway." It's because of the thick lair of topsoil that is airy porous and rich in the summer and is a Jell-O in fall and frozen in winter.

  3. Oh man we arent 25 seconds in and i have to correct……simple History i never thought i'd say or type that

    SO The 37mm Pak 36 German anti-tank gun used during the Second World War was always deployed in fireteams of 3-6 think of the scene in Fury where the 4 Sherman's are shooting into the treeline 2 of them would almost always be the Pak 36 because the 37mm shells were very easy for Germany to make in mass quantities and they would mainly use those 37mm guns against troop transports or half tracks or transport trucks "Logistics trucks" but the other guns would almost always be pak 40's The German 75 millimeter anti-tank gun a version of the same 75mm gun mounted in the Panzer 4's the KwK 40's

    So here's how it would actually go the T-34-57 rolls into view ALL gun crews would load and lock in on the front upper plate on the T-34 YES I KNOW my World of Tanks players they actually never taught anyone to Shoot for the tracks annnnywho the Pak 36 crews commander would scream the command FIRE and they would send a round IF that failed to penetrate the armor the closest Pak 40 battery commander would immediately without hesitation fallow up with his 75mm gun reducing the incoming T34 to a flaming wreck

    The T34's the 57/85's actually sucked they often left the factory with broken welds or broken turret rings LazerPig actually has a very good video he did on this topic and that was posted a year ago

  4. That one scene from the Russian movie 'T34' where a panther round bounce of the frontal armour of a T34-85 at point blank range with no angle and from getting gaijined with stalinium armour were the moments I realise the T34 had an inflated reputation.

  5. @ Simple History . You need to stop using Wikipedia as a source material . You literally spent the majority of this video giving out information about the T-34 are literally myths that were spread post war by the books written by former German commanders who made the claims about the T-34 as this amazing super tank of the Soviets while they were also applying for jobs in NATO's new German Army. Myths that the Soviets wouldn't deny or be believed if they had denied . After the wall went down in Berlin and Western historians got their hands on war production T-34s and got to look at the records until Putin entered office anyways . We found out that the German Commanders books were full of crap about the T-34 Tanks preformance . Here's a video explaining the truth about it. The T-34 is not the tank that propaganda would have everyone believe. In reality it was a bunch of good Ideals built badly.

    Oh and the Panzerfaust started production in 1942 and officially entered service in 1943 . So this wasn't a new weapon to the Soviets either. The Soviet Army at the time were using the 60mm M1 Bazooka and 83mm British PIAT launchers to take out German tanks as well .

    So none of the video is really a surprise to either the Russian's at the time or the Germans . The T-34s entered production in 1940 the German invasion was 1941 . Prior to this the Germans and Soviets had a non aggression pact that allowed the Germans to freely visit the Soviet Union and vice versa. Which means they fully knew about the others tank projects , and weapons projects . The Panzerfaust began being developed in 1942 prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union. So while civilians are always shocked that the enemy comes up with something new the military personal are not all that shocked. I mean prior to the Panzerfaust the Germans had the Sturmpistole with the Panzerwurfkörper 42 which was a HEAT grenade that could be used against enemy armor. It had a range of 69 m (75 yd) and could penetrate 80 mm (3.1 in) of RHA at 90 degrees. It was similar in layout to the Wurfkorper 361 and used a rifled cartridge case.

    So the case study was already there for them to effectively make their own version of a bazooka . The Russian's during the war shrugged it off and just killed the guy with the launcher duh.

  6. T34s were functional and good enough to cause some damage to the Panzers, which had smaller guns and weaker armor, but generally better crews and superior combat necessities. The fact of the matter is, the T34 gave the Germans pause. The Soviets decided on a design that worked for them just as the Americans decided on the M4.

  7. " Best tank. " … Looks over at the multiple American tanks the Russians had to use and yet because endorsing them was considered a crime, didn't speak as openly about. – Yes, it was definitely the crappy little Commie tank that would literally fall apart at it's welding seams. Definitely wasn't more use half buried in the ground as an AT gun with a little armor and loading crew in a metal sarcophagus than as an actual tank.

    Look, this tank is one of the hugest misinformation campaigns ever. Russians used them because they could be mass produced. That's it. They could swarm an enemy line like rabid dogs and even then, prone to failure just like German tanks.


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