The BEST of Legend of Zelda: Windwaker

It’s been 10 years since we started this playthrough, can you believe it?

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@LesmoVids has this to say about the Windwaker playthrough and what it meant to them:

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45 thoughts on “The BEST of Legend of Zelda: Windwaker”

  1. Call me a content whore but why is a very old game being compilated and released as a daily video… idk i just need new grumps every day to keep me spirits up … though this is a solid playthrough

  2. This series makes me so happy. Windwaker was my favorite game as a kid, and no matter how many times I revisit it, it never loses its charm. I can tell they had so much fun playing this game, and it brings me so much joy to watch them genuinely have a good time with one of my all-time favorites. Great video! ❤

  3. It's amazing how much more tolerant Arin has become about game stories. In Wind Waker, he's trying his best to skip the story all together. In Tears of the Kingdom, he went looking for the story!

  4. 1:15:23 "Her name's Tetra, nothing to do with the triforce or anything"

    Ironically enough "tetra" is actually the greek word for "four" and not "three". Idk who came up with that and thought it was fitting but here we are

  5. while this is a nice gesture, i miss the days when best of compilations were about 20 minutes. The wind waker playlist is 18 hours and 22 minutes, and this best of is 2 hours 41 minutes. Mario 64 is 15 hours 5 minutes, and the "Ultimate Mario 64 speedrun" is just 20 minutes. That compilation has me rolling every time i watch it, and it's tight and hits the moments in a much more punchy way.

  6. This play through was all kind of awesome, a classic. On a different note, i see how this game is both filled with light and joy but also a recurring theme of death, sadness And trying to make peace with the past.

  7. While not my first GG playthrough , this was one of the first longer ones I watched. It was years after it came out, but I was finishing a big painting and about to start college. Hearing Dan’s story ended up being very important to me because I too hit the most difficult patch of my life (so far) in the second semester of college and lasted until I graduated. It was an underlying reason as to why I chose to study abroad (it didn’t end up working for me, I was still an emotional wreck, but I don’t regret it) and it was very validating to hear that I wasn’t alone. I also convinced my boyfriend at the time to play this, as he had never finished it, and basically backseat gamed Windwaker to completion. I have fond memories of hanging out with him in his basement having fun with the game.
    I listen to this playthrough at least twice a year it’s just one of my comfort listens now. So funny and heartwarming at the same time.


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