The Best Legendary Gold Farm in New World How to Make Money Fast in New World

Let me show you the best legendary gold farm in New World! I accidently stumbled upon this place in Morningdale doing quests! Let me show you how to make money fast in new World!

I only farmed for about an hour and 15 minutes and got 3 legendary drops all worth thousands on the auction house in New World. You can farm these legendary drops for gold making a bunch of money fast or you can keep them for you own crafts. Either way this is a triple silver elite spawn that has a high chance to drop loot.

There is also gold to mine, a bunch of soul motes you can collect as well as all kinds of chests to loot. I used to farm in Ebonscale for these new legendary drops but they drop WAY BETTER here due to how fast you can kill the three named ghosts that spawn every 1-1/2 minutes.

This place is definitely one of my favorite places to farm as of today! It rivals doing anything else for money including chest runs while flagged as pvp.

Is this the best way to farm gold in New World? Let me know your favorite spot or comment on how well you did here down in the comments below.

Ultra New World Beginners Guide to 200 everything!

Loot luck is broken in New World 1.1 here is why!

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We play on the west coast server called Celadon! Our company is called The Band of the Hawke and we are Covenant! Come join us and have fun! We are currently recruiting in preparation for war time status!

If you enjoyed the music in this video it is the Original OST for New World straight from gameplay capture. You can purchase the music here as well as follow their social media as well!

Soundtrack on Amazon Music:

#NewWorld #NewWorldGold #NewWorldMoney #HawkesGaming


5 thoughts on “The Best Legendary Gold Farm in New World How to Make Money Fast in New World”

  1. Today I stumbled upon a great place to farm legendary drops while doing quests in Morningdale. This place is pretty OP as there are 3 silver elites very close together on a super short respawn timer. Sometimes happy accidents are the best kind of accidents. Jump on this fast before the drops deflate too bad due to how cool this place is!

    Ultra New World Guide

    Loot luck is broken in New World 1.1 here is why!

    📺 Join our Discord Channel!

  2. Oh my brother you when from a grind fest(elite) to another (new world). These two games are pretty bad.

    If u are interested in a good MMO that is not a grind fest and it respects ur time I recommend FFXIV.

  3. Your wife’s reaction is pretty classic! It’s great seeing you make videos again. I can’t speak to other MMOs other than Guild Wars 2. I used to play the trading post over there and found it really interesting. I couldn’t always depend on drops so I had to learn how to buy and sell massive amounts of goods. Glad to see you’ve found a game that interests you again!


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