The Best ID Refusal On YouTube!

#CopGetsOwned #Dismissed #CopDismissed #1aAudit #Cop #Police #CopsOwned #IDRefusal


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Epic ID Refusal! This is what happens when you know your rights. Several cops dismissed at once. Always remember you have the same rights no matter who you deal with. Don’t let them get over on you. Learn Your Rights!

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My name is Abiyah Israel and I’m a former Police Officer and Sheriff’s Deputy.

Welcome to our channel We The People University. We cover issues on constitutional law, like government corruption, criminal defense, and police misconduct. Actions like audits known as 1a Audits and Cop Watching help fight against the growing tyranny in America. Although the 1st Amendment, 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, and 14th Amendment are among the most popular of all amendments, we encourage the people to learn all of their rights.

Reach me at: [email protected]


We The People University do not act as an attorney, nor do we provide legal advice. All information provided is general information and education for the purpose of assisting individuals in obtaining knowledge to help them be safe while they protect their rights as a law-abiding citizen. The information given within any of our lectures, courses printed materials, or social media sites is in no way designed to provide legal advice or create an attorney-client relationships. If you are arrested, detained, or placed in any situation where legal advice or representation is needed, we strongly encourage all of our viewers/students/followers to seek legal advice/representation from an attorney.

Abiyah Israel
[email protected]


35 thoughts on “The Best ID Refusal On YouTube!”

  1. My apologies I was advised this was Maryland when this was sent to me but it's actually Massachusetts! Please excuse the mistake the education aspect of the video is still the same.. thanks for joining us guys! Chapter 41 Section 98D is from Massachusetts.

  2. I find it funny that the cop is so worried about protecting the driver he pulled over and gave a ticket to who he got all his information or was it just that the guy he was talking to was a confidential informant and didn't want him videoed

  3. This is where I disagree with this. If civilians don’t want to be taped, respect it. Some people don’t want to be on YouTube, you guys are being tyrants wh3n you disrespect civilians.

  4. The cop said "I have a job to do you just stand around on a sidewalk" like ya bro stood around on a sidewalk for 10min and made you look like a fool and a proud one at that lol it's the ignorance of the Leo community that pays so well there's even outside funding going against them now their own federal gov against them at this point but hey they choose to be enemy #1 and show the face for it then lay their down at night in the middle of it 🤷‍♂️

  5. if you want to feel safe DO NOT GO TO THIS PLACE !!!! as the public is not safe from the cops at this municipality !!!!! they try to violate you for nothing wrong!!!!!! and minding your own business !!!!!!

  6. Look there's a scumbag citizen from tending to be a public servant in a public Pretender costume everyone needs to call and report the impersonation of a police officer help everyone report it you can see it don't look the other way do something

  7. If it's a "stand your ground" jurisdiction, without "stop and identify" laws AND you've done nothing illegal, the Auditor COULD HAVE stopped, then firmly informed the cop that approaching within 6 feet/ 2 meters away in the manner he did would constitute a THREAT TO HIS PERSONAL SAFETY. If the cop did so, the Auditor would be fully within his rights to neutralize the threat. "Neutralize" means the MINIMUM action necessary to make the attacker no longer a threat.
    Punk cops get badly hurt, prosecuted and sued all the time for pulling their bs on combat vets. We aren't intimidated and have VERY LOW tolerance levels when it comes to threats.

  8. wow how did that pig not know that it's legal to film public. and no right of privacy when your in public. it's scary how many of these tyrants there are across the USA who ruin, and destroy people's lives on a daily basis.
    you could be totally innocent of a crime, and next thing you know your being arrested for something you have no knowledge of. even though you might be found not guilty, that arrest goes on a record so when your next employer does a background check you think no problem. but that time you were falsely arrested, it shows up on the background check. how nice it doesn't say on the same check that you were found not guilty, or charge was dismissed. now you total lost that job because some ass face cop falsely accused and arrested you because he was 2 lazy to do some actual police work.

  9. The tyrant says he a civilian so are you tyrant your not in the military you are just a public servant… All you tyrants think your in the military your a joke and a 🤡

  10. Seems the professional standards of Revere Police officers are amazingly low. Way to go Chief! You are doing a hell of a job by not holding your officers accountable. Excellence in community policing at its worst.


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