The BEST Hero In Overwatch 2

Zarya’s a Sleeper S-Tier pick in Overwatch 2 that very few people are talking about…

00:00 What about MOIRA/ZEN?!
00:40 Defining “Best” and “Cost”
01:24 Hero Graph/Honorable Mentions
03:16 1 – Mechanics
04:05 2 – Risk Vs Reward
07:12 3 – Cooldowns/Time Investment
08:01 4 – Resource Creation/Denial
09:27 5 – Conclusion

#UNDERRATED #overwatch2 #Overwatch


3 thoughts on “The BEST Hero In Overwatch 2”

  1. I heard that in a patch to contenders that zen has lost his 25 hp. But i thought people were sleeping on zarya in ow2 hard. She is really oppressive. Winston is also really nice. Sig is close but he gets rushed hard even despite accretion being so strong. (It's bugged right now as well. You can primary fire almost immediately after throwing an accretion and blow up a squishy). Rein is probably the best anchor right now. Doom is niche. Ball is niche. Orisa is niche. And hog is almost a complete detriment to run.


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