The BEST Genshin Impact Healers


Tier List :

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Genshin Impact is a large fantasy world, with a place called Teyvat, with various points of interest spread across the map like Mondstat, Dragonspine, Liyue, Inazuma (Watatsumi Island, Yashiori Island, Kannazuka Island, Narukami Island, Seirai Island, Tsurumi Island), and Enkanomiya. The game features an action combat playstyle that allows the player to swap between 4 individual characters in a team comp to quickly combo attacks. Single-player gameplay is the focus of the game, with Co-Op Mode available for certain activities. This game features anime style art and can also be played on mobile and PC and PlayStation 5 and maybe one day Xbox and the Nintendo Switch. You can play 48 different characters such as Ganyu, Hu Tao, Raiden Shogun, Venti, Arataki Itto, Bennett, Xingqiu, Zhongli, Albedo, Kamisato Ayaka, Jean, Eula, Kazuha, Shenhe, Yun Jin, Gorou, Klee, Diluc, Kokomi, Yoimiya, Aloy, Yanfei, Mona, Tartaglia, Xiao, Diona, Sucrose, Keqing, Ningguang, Razor, Fischl, Noelle, Xiangling, Thoma, Aloy, Barbara, Sara, Sayu, Beidou, Chongyun, Kaeya, Rosaria, Qiqi, Xinyan, Lisa, Yae Miko, Kamisato Ayato or if you really want to Amber… The game is free to play and is monetized through Gacha Game Mechanics. Similar to Honkai Impact. You can explore the map to find Treasure such as Precious Chests, Luxurious Chests, Exquisite Chests, Hidden Chests, and you can solve puzzles like Relay Stone Puzzles, Stone Slate Puzzles. You can also collect all the anemoculous, geoculous, crimson agate, and electroculous to increase your stamina. The story follows the Traveler, who has traveled across countless worlds with their twin sibling before becoming separated in Teyvat. The Traveler travels in search of the lost sibling with their companion Paimon and becomes involved in the affairs of Teyvat’s nations. If you would like to watch more Genshin Impact content, you can watch other youtubers like Zy0xxx (Zyox), ItsPaikon, Tectone, Moga, antonychenn, Tuonto, Xlice, Tenha, Mtashed


35 thoughts on “The BEST Genshin Impact Healers”

  1. bennett is not the best healer, he’s the most well rounded healer. he gives you an atk boost, pyro resonance, and healing all in one. but his healing isn’t the best in the game. if i need a healer in my team, i want to be able to heal *on demand*. i’m not waiting for a burst, especially now that erosion and energy draining are major game mechanics now. kokomi’s downside is that her healing is stationary. once you cast it, that’s it. unless you burst, that’s the spot you need to stand in if you wanna heal. jean and qiqi (esp w sacsword) are the best healers in the game right now. they can take a hit (i’m looking at you, barbara), they can hold their own for a while if you need to keep them on field, you can heal anywhere, their attacks heal your entire party, and they heal WELL.

  2. I keep hearing "bennett can only heal you up to 70%" but that's kinda misleading. His heals proc when the health is at or below 70%. Meaning your active char can be at exactly 70% and benny's heal will proc, bringing dat hp higher… even to 100% in some cases.

  3. I got Sayu in early game on Ayaka’s banner. I’ve been playing for smthg like 1 or 2 months and I’m AR 36. I’m a Sayu main bc I didn’t got Xiao, but I still love her so much. I mean she is so usefull for fights, exploration and also good at healing like GOD

  4. I really like Noelle. To me her healing capacity is more like a bonus when I don’t think I need a healer. She’s sort of a comfortable character that gives you more than you need.

  5. I'm currently using noell but I've had qiqi for a while so I may switch to her, I'm just lower level at the mometn and am trying to build as few characters as possible so I can don't spread my resources thin

  6. in my opinion i dont get why everyone trash talk Qiqi she is a awesome healer. and i think that QIqi, Jean, Sayu and Kokomi are the best. and i for the love of me have not met a good Bennett healer. so to say that his heals are good i do not buy. he is a awesome buffer but thats it for me. i have bennett and his constalations but i refuse to use him, he will sit in my corner and collect dust for eternity. sorry to everyone who loves him.

  7. Barbara is pretty decent healer actually, people hate on her for stupid reasons. My lvl 70 maidens beloved barbara heals about 2.7 – 3k rn and I haven't even finished building her.

    Although She doesn't deal a lot of damage but is my favourite Healer, unlike Bennett who doesn't even heal upto 100% but gives attack buff instead.

    I have two main parties for combat 1 is Raiden Shogun national team. This party is my fav one and all members are OP and well balanced. My 2nd part Has Raiden, Ayaka Kazuha (Keaya was previous member) and Barbara. With FREEZE And Supercharged reactions. Now with swirl of Kazuha since I don't have kokomi ( I failed to obtain her due to lack of prinos and pitty) Barbara is a wonderful hydro substitute for a f2p like me

  8. Seuin: I put Fischl in A tier because 20% of $100 mil is a lot of $.
    Me: 20% of $100b => S tier.
    Me again: wait – 20% of $100t => SS tier.
    I'm as objective as Seuin

  9. This tierlist makes no sense. As much as you can hate Barbara she cannot be lower tier than Fischl. Yes I am going to comment on this. Fischl cannot even heal other characters, are you trolling?

  10. Guess Kuki wasn't out at the time of making the video. I really like her as a healer, constant uptime with a constellation I think, no requirements to attack or stand near a jellyfish as with Kokomi, and she can even heal co-op teammates.

  11. why are you comparing Barbara's E to other characters burst instead of her burst as well? Barbara's Q is way better than Bennett as it heals all of your teammates at once without needing to swap.


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