The Best Deck in Marvel SNAP I've played so far

🟥 This powerful On Reveal Deck utilizes the synergies of Wong and Odin with some impactful payoffs: Ironheart, Wolfsbane, Jubilee, White Tiger and Doctor Doom. Sunspot, Iceman and Scorpion secure the early game while Storm and Juggernaut add some useful control & disruption.

🟥 Deck Code – eyJOYW1lIjoiIiwiQ2FyZHMiOlt7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkljZW1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2NvcnBpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikp1Z2dlcm5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbGZzYmFuZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdG9ybSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29uZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVUaWdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2RpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn1dfQ==

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🟥 Edited By – LucasCelest
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00:00 – Deck Overview
04:09 – Game 1
06:44 – Game 2
09:50 – Game 3
13:03 – Game 4
16:58 – Game 5

combo control deck pool 1 2 and 3 competitive pro deck


40 thoughts on “The Best Deck in Marvel SNAP I've played so far”

  1. Here's the Deck Code


  2. I’ve really been enjoying the pool 1 Odin list, so it’s great to see that playstyle stays viable late! Kamar-Taj had an increased appearance rate yesterday, so I got a really fun taste of those ridiculous doubled white tiger Odin plays. I also really appreciate the pop ups of cards when you name them.

  3. I am still a beginner in this game (just hit rank 40) and i have a question. Is quicksilver good? It is a guaranteed 1 drop on 1 turn and good curve in general, but there are other options.

  4. Do you know how I claim the free variants, or have I ran out of time? I went to my inbox in game, but there's nothing there. are they not available for steam players or something? I see that buying variants are incredibly expensive with cash, so was hoping we'd be able to earn them other ways. I don't mind supporting games I enjoy (I bought the Captain America variant that was cheap) but in the UK they are around 8 pounds each (which is around 15 dollars)

  5. Do you know Sunspot from the Comics? He's also a Soccer player. He was my favourite team up in Marvel Heroes. He had some cool idle animations where he'd do keep up's with a fire ball and stuff.

    Marvel Heroes was so cool, I was so sad when it was taken offline. It was Made by Brevik who was lead designer I believe on Diablo 2, so Marvel Heroes was like Marvel Diablo, was awesome.

    As soon as I heard that the old lead designer from Hearthstone was making this, I knew it would be special. It's also strange that he followed a similar suit to Brevik in that they left Blizzard and started a Marvel game. I only hope that Snap has more longevity that Marvel Heroes did (was an awesome game as well, the best Marvel ROG ever made IMO, but the Publisher went bankrupt unfortunately and lost the licence)

  6. Long-time LoR follower. Just starting to hit pool 2 cards after playing since launch. Game seems very grind after pool 1; seems like it will be difficult to build a collection without playing several hours daily. What's your opinion?

  7. I have already finished Pool 1 but Pool2 is hard to progress Playing all day but there is no progress Is there a way to finish it quickly and also how long to collect all the cards?

  8. This game is just right, matches are super fast so you never feel bad about a loss, it's simple at it's core but still very in-depth.
    Going from lor's cringe meta and matches that just keep dragging on to this fast and simple game is refreshing.
    The locations guarantee a different playstyle each match, there is no crazy power creep decks and you can't hold people hostage, it's just a straight to the point game…
    Meanwhile you got LoR whose entire gameplan in 99% of the decks is to draw a champion…
    Didn't expect to like this game at all, can't wait the PC horizontal UI.

  9. just a small suggestion; have your editor pull up cards' effect whenever a card is played; this game has way too many cards and effects and it's not very viewer friendly in a sense


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