The Bermuda Triangle VANISHING of the USS Cyclops

In the 1918, prominent ship in the US military would up and vanish into what appears to be thin air. An extensive search would be launched to find it but no wreckage, debris, or lift rafts were ever located. Despite over 105 years of searching to this day, nothin has ever been located. So what happened to this ship? Well Bermuda triangle happened. But what exactly was that? Lets discuss in todays episode!

Thank you for watching Roanoke Tales and I hope you enjoy The Bermuda Triangle VANISHING of the USS Cyclops



35 thoughts on “The Bermuda Triangle VANISHING of the USS Cyclops”

  1. Must have been found by now during one of the countless exploration surveys for oil / gas or mapping. Likely listed as another one of many unknown wrecks on the sea floor.. To investigate even one wreck costs a lot of $$$ It is not usually undertaken without promise of substantial reward.

  2. Thanks brother, sitting here in South Africa, feeling way too isolated. I kind of need an American voice to listen to occasionally lol. But you are more than that. You're a damn good story teller and the most well spoken YouTuber I listen to, that's for sure.

  3. Yes with that much top-weight she's streight out of the HMS Captain school of naval architecture. BTW If I drew three lines on a map bewteen London, Rosyth and Hamburg I could probaby match the number of Bermuda Triangle disappearances.

  4. BULLSHIT. The Cyclops sailed into a severe storm while underpowered (running on only one of its 2 engines) and dangerously overloaded. As a consequence it capsized.
    Nothing mysterious, nothing to do with the 'Bermuda triangle' myth.

  5. 1918, Bermuda area was known for scavenging wrecks. I am saying that the crew died or were captured in some way, the ship was taken and parted out. Possibly even by sympathizers for the enemies of the US, who sold or wanted to sell the ship to say Germany. if sold whole it may have been scuttled in the middle of the Atlantic to prevent investigation when reaching Europe

  6. 14:32 Just randomly on this vid, but the 'mystery' of the Bermuda Triangle has been explained more than a few times. Like a lot of things people just want to grasp onto this idea and refuse to let go of it no matter how well explained or how good the evidence is. They 'know' that it's a supernatural and extraordinary thing and the only evidence they'll believe is that which agrees with what they already know is true. Confirmation bias at it's finest.

  7. Really loved this video and interesting change in content yet staying well within the pocket of what I expect from this channel. Bravo, I would definetly watch more videos in this vein!


  8. It's so nice to see that people take absolute crap and pass it off as fact. The tistic Lee speaking the area known as the Bermuda Triangle doesn't have it anymore missing vessels than any other highly trafficked areas in the sea.

  9. Not sure if later on in the video you made mention of this, but it could have been a cause of a rogue wave. They are tall waves that can reach up to 50 meters high and can appear almost out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. If the force of a rogue wave hit the side of the Cyclops then it could have tipped all the way over and sunk upside down. This would solve the lack of evidence left behind during the sinking as well as to why it is hard to find the vessel under the waters.

    Just a thought, not saying that is what happened but it does make sense to me more so than UFO did it.

  10. I mean, any level of research shows that there isn't anything unusual about the triangle.

    It's a combination of the busiest travel lanes, confirmation bias, and media hype from the time

  11. Stopped watching the moment you mentioned the Bermuda triangle… there is nothing special about it, its literally only a reference location shaped like a triangle, there are the same, if now more disappearances around the triangle itself than inside it.

  12. I have a pretty simple theory: We're looking for the Cyclops in the wrong places.

    This happened with the Titanic, we looked for it around its last known location and couldn't find it. Turns out, the Officers on the Titanic had miscalculated their position.

    My theory is that the Cyclops lost her ability to communicate and her last engine blew, leaving her adrift.

  13. I love how careful he is about calling the more 'at question theories' what they are, most likely complete bull poop, much like most if not all conspiracies are, nothing more than a case of Chinese whispers, stories that get passed on and diluted with false information from people with no education on the topic. I do respect him for being so nice about it, the laugh he made before sharing one of the 'theories' did make me chuckle though as you would have to be bonkers to believe some of these. It is an interesting story though and honestly it is fun to speculate, however I do think that like with most unsolved mysteries this story can probably have the medical principle occam's razor applied, meaning the most obvious answer with the least assumptions is probably the correct one, for example for me it's probably either a loss of navigation leading to it's eventual sinking or the capture of the ship by another faction in the war, the sea is vast and even when we know where a ship was a few hours ago it can still take some time to locate it. Either way I think we can say with 99.9999999999% it wasn't some underwater civilization like Mer-people or Gungans, Aliens or a portal to hell. I think we can assume it either ended up far from the last known location and sank or was captured and taken somewhere, probably the first one though.

  14. just as many outside as in its not a thing its just a dangerous area weather wise always has been probably always will be ask a local they'll tell you its not a thing only for tourists

  15. theory, the ore caught fire via malfunction, or sabotage and burned it all due to it flammable in and out of water
    theory, unknown or rare creature(s) or sea event
    theory, interdimensional interference

    as far are my theory on the triangle gases and unknown metal

  16. I was on a cruise to Bermuda years back (Norwegian Breakaway) we were scheduled to have trip to sail into the triangle but a monster storm came in and we never ended up leaving port. part of me feels it was a sign


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