The Beginning Of The Ultimate Battle | Battlestar Galactica

An action packed clip from the three-part series finale.

From “Daybreak: Part 1-3” (Season 4 Episode 19, Season 4 Episode 20 Season 4 Episode 21): As the Galactica is stripped for parts, a call for volunteers is made for a final mission. Admiral Adama takes the Galactica into its last battle and recaptures Hera. Kara deciphers the musical notes, enabling her to steer the fleet towards an inhabitable planet … The conflict is at its climax. The Cylons and the humans face a difficult decision. The Galactica prepares for its last mission. The conflict reaches its climax, forcing the Cylons and the humans to make the hardest of choices…

Season 1 Clips:
Season 2 Clips:
Season 3 Clips:
Season 4 Clips:
Action Sequences:
Space Battles:
Best of Starbuck:
Best of William Adama:

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20 thoughts on “The Beginning Of The Ultimate Battle | Battlestar Galactica”

  1. Que versión prefieren la ultra hiper larga con todo un mareador rollo de x ½ O
    La versión rápida EH hiper corta así 0 + rápida par abreviar les hecho a perderla sería a que si a que no pues hay les va al final to2 sin importar de quien se trate to2
    Son tostadores de pansi to2 son CYLON's ok

  2. A minor interesting detail. Port used to be a side of the ship that was along the actual port. The starboard is the steered side that was aimed away from the port (port is a safe place usually, the sea is always full of dangers, risks and rewards). It could not be the other way around in this story (like those who want to join me in the battle go to the Port side). It is Battlestar Galactica. Everything matters here.

  3. This is one of those scenes that just hits me hard, end of the line frail Laura makes her choice while she can barely stand is heartbreaking. Add in Kara grabbing her and holding her upright as a measure of dignity is almost too much for me.

  4. Most of those who stayed were civilians who had no business in combat and would actually have hampered the mission. Some of those who chose to go were also unqualified and would just be liabilities. Adama only refused the doctor because if they succeeded, there would be a future for the people and they would need him. Even if they succeeded, he could still be killed and the future would become much more difficult for everyone. Adama was hedging his bets.

  5. Inspire loyalty, earn respect, and only by circimstance will you ever be alone.
    Lead by fear and force, and in your hour of need will you be lucky to have at your back someone that wouldn't gladly put a blade or bullet in it.

  6. The best war commander ever in any TV Series. Whenever I watch a new series if the commander fails to emulate Adama's leadership I stop watching the show. Edward James Olmos set the bar too high for any commander.

  7. If this were real then I bet most people would want to utterly destroy the Cylons before they wipe out the human race. You wouldn't need sentiment or emotion. Common sense would be enough like your immune system fighting a killer virus only in this case an advanced brain is needed.


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