The Baffling Story Of Michael Wayne Jones

This case is dreadfully tragic. A man brutally murdered his wife by hitting her repeatedly with a baseball bat. Then, two weeks later, he suffocated his two young step-sons. But his murdering streak did not end until four weeks later when he drowned his two little girls in a bathtub.

Why did he do it? And why did he keep the bodies in the back of his van for weeks after he killed them?


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Theme song – Credulous Gal by Anzem

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32 thoughts on “The Baffling Story Of Michael Wayne Jones”

  1. As tragic as this story is, the police officer should not have stated his opinion. As such indicates the person isn't performing his/her duties to the fullest because it may appear that the individual is taking it TOO personal. That is where and how mistakes can happen.

  2. It's cases like this where I believe a summary execution is in order, the killer should be taken outside, forced to kneel and a 9mm or 45cal lead injection be administered behind either ear.

  3. So much doesn't make sense based on the ex hubby and Micheal I can understand how his and Casey's relationship got toxic and unfortunately led to something terrible happening it should never have happened but we hear of domestic abuse that escalates quite often but I don't understand why did he collect the boys back? the dad would have kept them he could have done a runner or made an excuse whatever the same with the girls if he didn't feel he could be a dad to them perhaps because he wanted his old life back with his ex missus who knows what crazy was going thro his mind he could have left them with Casey's mum and still done a runner or whatever there was no excuse for what he did to those babies just awful no punishment will ever be enough

  4. its only an evil monster that can kill children he sounds like he was a wrong one before he did the worst crime ever taking the lives of your own children, the kids must have been so scared wanting mummy to come and save you, how do you look your child in the eyes while you are taking their short lives deprived of everything we take for granted, school, uni having their own babies he robbed them of their future, he needs to never sleep again because everytime he shuts his eyes he sees those babies and his wife asking why, but part of me says execute him in the most painfull way, why should he have his future even if it is in prison never going hungry never being cold and getting medical care nah, hang him high i say xx

  5. i know it's not kool to disparage someone's appearance, but c'mon, if Hollywood needed a Neanderthal type for a prehistoric blockbuster….Is this guy not IT???!! Makes me wonder if those who have a higher level of certain "ancient" genes are predisposed to psychopathic violence?


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