The Baffling Disappearance of Flight 370 (S1, E1) | Ghost Planes | Full Episode

At the time of this writing, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, transporting 227 passengers and 12 crew members from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, has been missing for months. An unprecedented international search was unable to locate any bodies or debris. See more in Season 1, Episode 1, “Ghost Planes & The Mysteries of Flight 370.”


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14 thoughts on “The Baffling Disappearance of Flight 370 (S1, E1) | Ghost Planes | Full Episode”

  1. They know exactly what happened.
    And they’ve tried to ignore the fact that all of their phones were suddenly pinging a few weeks later.
    Yeah- just thought they’d try to suppress that part.

  2. Has anyone looked at the passenger roles to see if there was someone on that plane that was thought to be a target? A scientist or someone with specialized knowledge?
    Just guessing…..prayers for the families of the lost souls on board.

  3. Now that were being told aliens and UFO's are real, I wouldn't be the least but surprised if this thing show back up.

    I could see the US government building a underground city packed full of feds dressed like aliens.

    They probably made these poor people think they were abducted and they've been keeping them locked up ever since they disappeared.

    What better way to prove Aliens are real then to have a whole plane full of passengers come out of nowhere and tell everyone they've seen the aliens.

  4. Did anyone use the GPS satellites to track and locate the cell phones signals of the passengers and crew it wouldn't be that hard they would be the only signals in that area and it would have been a bunch of signals in one place moving at the same time

  5. The theories are only outlandish, until some report comes out in 40 years that proves that some conspiracy theorist got it right. Isn't that what happens most of the time? Lol


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