The attempt of the first wife to destroy the house of the second wife

The first wife’s attempt to destroy the second wife’s house could be driven by jealousy, resentment, or a desire to regain control or power in the relationship. She may feel threatened by the presence of the second wife and see her as competition for the husband’s affection or resources. Destroying the second wife’s house could be a way for the first wife to assert her dominance and undermine the second wife’s position in the family. Additionally, the first wife may have unresolved anger or grievances towards the second wife and see damaging her property as a form of revenge or punishment. Ultimately, the first wife’s actions reflect her feelings of insecurity, anger, and a desire to exert control in a situation where she feels threatened or marginalized.



21 thoughts on “The attempt of the first wife to destroy the house of the second wife”

  1. أرى أن الزوج مسكين وقع في ورطه كبيرة بين المطرقة والسندان فلا واحده من زوجاته راضية عنه على الرغم من جهده الكبير في بناء المنزل وما يحتاجونه من طعام الكل يضربوه كأنه هو المذنب الوحيد اه من الزمن الذي أوقعه في هذه المشكلة

  2. Господи! До чего этот мужик страшный ,ужасно страшный! Немолодой, а туда же,завел вторую жену и качает дурацкие права, стройся подальше от дома первой жены,чтобы вас не видела первая жена и ее дети,чтобы духу вашего не было рядом с семьей которую вы предали!


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