The Ascension of the Lord – Mass with Fr. Mike Schmitz

Join Fr. Mike Schmitz as he celebrates the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

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🙏 See below for the Act of Spiritual Communion:

My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.



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🔸iTunes: Fr. Mike Schmitz as he celebrates Sunday Mass at the University of Minnesota Duluth.


25 thoughts on “The Ascension of the Lord – Mass with Fr. Mike Schmitz”

  1. Wait, maybe some people are making circular arguments but I find most people, at least in my experience, and even 4 year olds are trying to understand. I say if you really want to talk about "why" you have to go to bed, we can talk about it in the morning cause I need my sleep.

    I suppose we can ask ourselves are we stalling or don't know how to proceed (you said "hesitant"). There is an unknown world out there every day and the disciples were used to following rather than leading. Come Holy Spirit!!! And, do those come with training wheels. I may as well be fit with them for life.

    I'm currently listening to "Bible in a Year " (BIY). I am on day 263 and I now freak out that I am going to hell. Because everything God or a prophet describes as wrong is me and then those verses are followed by those who act like this will go to where there is "gnashing of the teeth."

    It's odd, as a scientist I believe that God is the big IT. No doubt. But I find these thoughts sneaking in that are very smart aleck about how God is doing things from what I am hearing in BIY. This is the thing, I KNOW God is beyond my imagination capable. 

    I think I am frustrated because I need the world to be right. ME to be right. Long story, so I talked to God, asked for mercy for having a smart mouth. I was very scared to consciously admit this to Him. I told Him I have to bring out the 'dirty laundry' or I will never get to what the problem is. I think I found out it was a problem with patience, trust, weakness. I have problems. Please pray for me. Signed, Cradle Catholic.

  2. I’ve come to understand this revealed in my personal experience, I have one student/friend that has complete faith in me, as she has witness numerous times when situations have been spirit led, then I have another student/friend that similarity has walked through life with me witnessing things that I have been given by God, and the truths, yet last year upon living with her, she asks me questions countless times, at first thinking it was sincerely asking, yet coming to know now, it was doubting, it was as a gauge to how I’ll respond and what I say, as a measure of her own ability, she would not say her feelings directly, yet ultimately truth was revealed of the things she thought and judged within, situations revealed in the choices she made, or boastful attitude. Doubt and question is indeed different. One is for purpose of pride as well as insecurities.

    // The faith of my other student/faith organically led her to RCIA.

  3. Thank you for this beautiful Homily Father Mike… I always say a Hail Mary for you during the consecration at mass. Your homilies have helped me so much to get closer to my Catholic faith; I listen to them every week, and they always seem to resígnate to what I’m going through. You are such a light, and I’m praying for you and all priests everyday. ♥️

  4. We are supposed to be in line with Melchizedek and some speculate that since his Father and Mother were not recorded, not known he came from another star system/planet. I think God accepts Jesus's offer to save us after Adam and Eve's fall to restore innocence and eventually sent the Holy Comforter after Jesus had to leave. We are saved by adoption into that sacred family that Melchizedek was foreshadowing with the wine and bread on the battle field. We are saved from a being of Et's who do not know the holy directions, truth, goodness, faith, joy, love. We are set apart from the civilizations they already had on earth-no cannibalism, no human sacrifice (Jesus was the last blood sacrifice), no child sacrifice or even animal sacrifice, no magic, sorcery, false gods, nor graven images. Each commandment, direction, is a path away from the godlessness of ET cultures of not God. There's a lot of other societies in this universe; Jesus told us "solemnly" we must be born into this adoptive sacred family after the first birth. Even at the entrance holy water font we remember this: "In the name of the Father, The Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit"–come into our hearts, give us the New Life in Christ. Let our "perfection" (per facere) be God working through us-making, doing, giving! In that way, we overcome Eden's fall and can become the new ways, the new character in Christ–in line with the Melchizedek of Genesis.

  5. Beautiful homily. I am also like the 4 year old that asks “why to everything” but at this stage in my spiritual journey, sometimes I have to let my ego go and say to myself “what will this knowledge benefit my, or others soul? Is it for my own knowledge or God’s?” Or “I am truly an ant compared to God’s mind and knowledge. How can an ant understand God’s logic?” And finally, with the church and things I may not agree with “the church is like my parent. I may not agree all of the time, but I must pick my battles, and let it go” Keep asking questions my brothers and sisters, but make sure they are for God’s glory and not your own. Peace be with you all

  6. A church I attended while in Bible College had “service days” to the neighborhood around the church. We would get neighbors signed up if they needed weeds pulled, a lawn mowed, a fence repaired, something painted, cleaning, etc. The college students & church volunteers would fulfill those needs. My point is that the world sees the worst of Christians in the media saying bigoted & mean things, being judgmental & hypocritical. No wonder they mock believers. But Fr. Mike is one of the Lord’s timely servants, used by the Holy Spirit, setting an example of the beautiful love and mercy of God. When we carry that message — the Good News — in words backed up by our deeds, the world will take notice. Praying for you, Fr Mike, and for the students who minister with you. Thanks be to God. 🙏❤️✝️

  7. Thank you Fr Mike 🌟
    Happy Feast of Ascension of our Lord Jesus💐

    Our of compassion and love for us, Jesus came from Heaven to earth✝️

    Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven gives us hope and a foretaste of divine life on earth and the way to Heaven.

    God's gift to us is eternal life through Jesus Christ.

    "Faith in God can move the mountains,
    Trust in Him can calm the sea,
    He's my fortress, He's my strong hold,
    He's the rock who rescues me.

    Lord you are my refuge,
    You are my salvation,
    Ever since my childhood,
    You have been my only hope.

    Bitter troubles burden me,
    But you fill me with new life.
    So, I will sing your praise forever and eternity"

    Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, The author and prefecter of our faith.
    ~Hebrews 12:2

    And knowing that when we worship and hesitate
    When we walk and fall
    When we try and fail
    We can hear the voice of Jesus reminding us that, "Behold, I am with you always" 🌻

  8. More idiotic crap from a Catholic priest/father, etc. A false teacher from a false religion, the abominable Catholic church. Wake up people to this crap from these crap peddlers. Learn the history and acts of your religion then do the right thing and abandon it. A major class action is in order for reparations to all humanity for all the evil this church has done to them.


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