The anti-Israel campus "protests" are even more insidious than we thought

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Rabbi Simon Jacobson is a pioneering speaker, educator and mentor to thousands. He is the Dean and Founder of The Meaningful Life Center, coined “The Spiritual Starbucks” by the New York Times, which bridges the secular and the spiritual. He is the author of the best-selling book Toward a Meaningful Life (💎 which has sold over 500,000 copies and been translated into 13 different languages. With his keen insight into the human condition, and over 35 years of experience, he has the unique ability to offer clarity and direction especially in difficult times.

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50 thoughts on “The anti-Israel campus "protests" are even more insidious than we thought”

  1. We ?
    Our University's ?
    You are a foreign country Rabbi .
    If you want to find out who controls you then ask who it is that you are not allowed to criticise.

    We all know now .

    Are you even capable of taking responsibility for anything you do Rabbi ?

    Israel is a foreign country an Apartheid regime not a Democratic country in any way .

  2. If the protests are planned is it then not probable that Oct 7 too was planned and helped by these people? The end game is the great reset … crashing world economy for total control .

  3. Im standing with jesus ..against all war and against polititians and the global military industrial complex that provokes war for material wealth …jesus is the way treasures in the next world not in this 🙏

  4. No one on earth is perfect which is what makes GOD…….GOD. Just because all humans are descended from ADAM AND EVE. Jews are EXPECTED to be perfect but PEOPLE PLEASE, Jews are only HUMAN like the rest of us ! We'll all just striving to be like our heavenly FATHER.

    Then there's EVIL. Some wrongdoing is a mistake…….BUT some wrongdoing is deliberate and THAT's EVIL. Evil has a father too….satan.

    We should ALL ask ourselves….. WHICH PATH AM I ON. ?…….WHICH Dad am I following, IMITATING ?

    The one you imitate , is the one you love, cherish, honour, worship like we did our earthly fathers when we were children .

    Now I'm all grown up , there's a greater , sinless father, THE PERFECT ONE.

  5. He is missing the point. It shocking because he is an intelligent man. The students want to stop what they think is a wrong war. Of course in every protest there are radical who want to create chaos. Don't forget that the students of the 60s did violence, remember the Weather Underground students of the 60s. All they want is to stop the war in Gaza. What Hamas did was horrible, but don't forget that two wrong don't make one right.

  6. Prof. Sam Vaknin is a world expert on narcissism and also an Israeli, and he recently uploaded a very insightful video titled "Jews Hated by Woke Left and Alt-right Alike". The surveys on beliefs of people under 30 show large percentages think Jews have too much power, don't think Israel should exist, and 20% of Americans ages 18-29 think the Holocaust was a myth, with 30% more unsure if it is or isn't a myth! We're not teaching facts, and social media makes popular grievances go viral that appeal to people's narcissism in imagining themselves "warriors" for social justice.

    The Palestinian cause is perfect for our time because you have a culture that has embraced a culture of victimhood since 1948. Gaza should be a beautiful seaside resort area with all the aid money they've received from the UN, Israel, NGOs, etc. but instead Hamas used that money to build tunnels and plan the Oct. 7 terror attack. Prof. Vaknin thinks the only sensible solution would be a federated government like Belgium or Switzerland have, where both Jewish and Muslim interests could be represented and Jews wouldn't worry about losing control of things when they become a demographic minority in the combined territory. But that's a bitter pill for both sides to swallow, especially Hamas not wanting any Jews in the region (the part the student protesters don't get).

  7. America is not will wake up, America did wake up, they have seen the cruelty of Zionism, they have seen who is bribing and controlling their congress! You are smart and you know that, but you are shamless for a so called religious leader who have zero ethics like the exaple you give about Dr Russell

  8. i went into a bank and most of the people were online waiting for a bank teller. and there were several times where there was line jumping . jewish allowing other jews to jump in front of gentiles.. i never saw gentiles do that but for some reason the jewish cult thinks they can just cut in front of gentiles.. please rabbi stop being selfish. we are all humans and should be created equal. stop living with ideas from the past that cause problems. God sees All..

  9. To call them quacktivists and quackademics seems to me insulting to actual ducks. Only in the last 4 years have I come to understand how university drove me into poverty 14 years ago before it was obvious outside the art and humanities, then just as I was getting out of the ditch the 2020 fiasco locked me out of the work I had just started, then locked me out of better paying jobs for not taking the poison.

    Now it's utterly plain…these crazy idiots think libraries are racist, then they wear the head scarves of terrorists who would throw them off the roof if they could and trash the library of the local university so no one can use it for months.

  10. Schools, colleges, universities have been used in the East to promote certain ideas and support certain causes. Western countries have naively allowed entry of individuals and organisations that seek to overturn Western thinking. And mores.

  11. This was all so predictable. Zionism is the number one force for pure evil on earth that exists on earth today. When it rears its ugly head to loudly and it draws to much attention to itself this whole situation was bound to happen. The rest of the globe is catching on and getting sick of it. And Zionism is more comparable to Nazi ideology than any other on earth today. Once the Nazi plans were put in place the rest of the world rose up. Where are all the Nazis now? They were killed and the idea of Nazism was exposed for what it truly was. Now Zionism is going through the same throws. Human evil is what it is.

  12. The reason for the campus protests is because of Israel's mass murder of defenseless civilians, its ethnic cleansing, expulsions, land stealing, apartheid of the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem, and the racist hatred of Zionism, which stands behind all of Israel's crimes. Your feeble attempts to read into campus protests something that isn't there, is how you lie to yourself instead of facing the ugly truth.

  13. The Rabi of hate!
    1) It was a protest against governments policy…
    Not against the killing of innocent Vietnamese? Not against the use of chemicals like Captain Orange? Not against the destruction of countries like Vietnam and Laos? What was this government policy? What were the results? It was not about CONSCIENCE? Not about humanism?
    Same with Gaza 15000 children were killed in an EXTREMELY short time.
    2) A university is supposed to be a place where ALL ideas flow…. what does that mean?
    A university is a place where there is room for holocaust deniers?
    A university is a place where Nazis can debate and spread their ideas freely?
    A university is a place where there is no space for conscience and a firm standpoint for humanism?
    A university is a place where people should be indifferent to the suffering on our planet?
    A university is a bubble!
    The violence did not come from the protesting students.
    They were encamping and not preventing anyone from attending classes.

  14. Dear Rabbi,
    my opinion is as follows. Jewish Children, our (children) should not step a foot into any Universities. Our children should go into Yeshivot and learn Torah, (Jewish Laws) by the day and
    by the night. The Arabs and the Nation of the world, believe in idols, totally unaware of any true reality.
    They are doing us a big fat favour by rejecting the entry of Jewish Children in their Universities.

  15. As a believer in Christ i have sworn to be just as much of a hypocrite as the average Jew.

    Let me say something about the anti-sematic thing, people will not have the Israeli army level whole housing blocks of Palestine people and think they are heroes.
    There is no good team and bad team, if you go bomming innocent people, it automatically places you in the bad team, no matter if you are supposed to be the chosen people of god.

    GOD won't have SIN !.

    That includes the atrocities committed on Oct 7. You could say, to commit an act, is to be committed to the judgement following that act, and that includes bomming houses of innocent people and leaving them homeless and destitude. And God must have seen the atrocities committed on Oct 7, for he sees ALL. But in our warped sense of righteousness we might think that creating victims by our own hands serves justice, It doesn't and we become just as bad as the Germans. (this literally means: two wrongs don't make a right).

    If you hurt just one Palastinian who has nothing to do with hamas, it counts as sin. and Israeli's just fail to see this. I'm sorry i have to break it to you, but Israeli people are not the only people on Earth.

  16. I Am Tired of Satan Dens, Corrupt Business Shells, Misogynistic boy clubs Masquerading as Holy Places of Truth, Love, and Wisdom, teaching and exploiting the thoughtless people who attend them.

  17. ❤GOD is LOVE❤

    If there is a god who advocates exterminating certain ethnicities, he is not GOD, whatever their argue.

    Just simple: even a fly can life in this earth. Again the fly !

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  19. The Marxists drew their battle lines and sided with Hamas to gain political power….its not that hard to understand,,,,, Jews are now considered "white" by the woke grievance culture,,,now im LOLing at the Jews voting for Trump now

  20. THIS IS AN EVIL MAN. The anti-Israel protests were planned in order to stop Israel comitting a PLANNED genocide.. 15,000 children and 10,000 innocent women have been murdered. It's a fact of life .. if you plan a genocide then someone is going to make plans to stop you. Those protesters hearts are being broken by seeing the inhumanity of the IDF's behaviour, that is why they are protesting. The evil that Israel is doing is the thing that will bring it down. USA will dessert them because of their inhumanity. I do not have a crystal ball … it's common sense. There is a commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness" … When you characterize those student protesters as anti-semitic you are breaking a commandment. There are Jews amongst those protestors. THIS MAN IS EVIL, HE IS SAYING THAT THOSE STUDENTS ARE SIMILAR TO THE NAZIS. IT IS THE ACTIONS OF ISRAEL TODAY THAT IS SIMILAR TO THE NAZIS… STEALING LAND IN THE WEST BANK AT THE POINT OF A GUN.


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