The American Revolution: Bloody Struggle For Freedom *3 HOUR MARATHON* | The Revolution

These events led us into the Revolutionary War. See more in this epic three hour marathon from The Revolution. #TheRevolution …


21 thoughts on “The American Revolution: Bloody Struggle For Freedom *3 HOUR MARATHON* | The Revolution”

  1. SO GLAD these "historians" narrating and commenting on these videos didn't write history or author liberty.
    If they had, our ancestors would have gone straight to American Communism before the world could ever taste true political freedom!
    To say nothing of that dreadfully nasal voice narrating everything to death…

  2. Revolutions are all inherently "fascistic" as their always implemented or attempted by a minority of the overall population . They're just another form of minority rule. I don't really know what the difference between monarchy and fascism or despotism . It was widely assumed MONARCHY was the most preferable, according to Aristotle

  3. The Franklin family dynamic would have been like a federal employee and his January 6th insurrectionist dad! ….. superficially speaking.


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