The ALL-Knowing God Who Created The Moon

Behold the one named Thoth, god of wisdom, writing, magic and the moon. Ancient Egyptian texts credit Thoth with the creation of the moon itself, as well as inventing the 365-day calendar and hieroglyphic writing. He is the messenger and scribe of the gods, master of arcane knowledge and spells. It is said that his extensive writings contain within them the secrets of civilization and unlock mystical powers beyond comprehension.

In this video, delve into the myths and legends of Thoth, the ibis-headed god. Learn the magical rituals and incantations to call upon his guidance and harness his cosmic powers. Hear tales passed down through the ages of how he helped Isis restore Osiris to life. Study texts from the Book of Thoth which promise to expand consciousness to godly levels for those that dare gaze upon its contents.

Within this video are the keys to obtaining otherworldly wisdom directly from the messenger of the gods himself. Thoth has awaited patiently across the centuries for those worthy to inherit his secrets. Are you prepared to tap into an ancient well of knowledge that predates human civilization itself?


7 thoughts on “The ALL-Knowing God Who Created The Moon”

  1. Thoth is the representation of human education and language formation. Thoth creates words and images. Thoth is an iteration of Ma'at, just like every other god of Afrikan Ancient Egypt. Thoth is Bio graphic, meaning you write your own story. The moon was created by the sun's beam of heat and light, the moon created the Earth's core, Earth's core created humans through lava and volcanos. All of which are Ma'at oxygen Consciousness, Ma'at is Truth Equality, everything.

  2. I am still against Idols and Idol Worship thereof.
    I say unto you the Creation is Created by Two Spirits Only and those Two Spirits Being Negative and Positive Good and Evil.
    I say unto you the Only Truth is God and the Opposite of God is the Devil.
    The Devil leads into Confusion so let you recognize but not follow the Devil.
    I say unto you the stories of Thoth do not exist because there is only one God and that God is Both God and Devil.
    I am real because I am Jesus show me Thoth where is he at before my very eyes?
    Now I show the Idol Worshipper the creation of the left eye ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ of God.
    God Works in Teamwork with Himself His Opposite the Devil.
    God explodes through Fission a separation of Himself into two that permeate Creation into a Glory of Negative and Positive creation of God and Devil.
    Heaven being Positive to the fullest and Hell being Negative to the fullest.
    The Evil side of God is Satan and Satan is also Ahriman and Ahriman is the Evil Spirit and you must understand this Ahriman is to the Extreme!
    Satan arrives at earth and goes through the caverns of the ocean into earth then pierced is earth with a jump creating the poles.
    Satan with the remembered help of God Himself and himself jump and burrow through the hard firmament to space.
    God intending on the lesser light and Satan intending to implode earth.
    This is born the Moon ๐ŸŒš!
    Tell Thoth to wipe his butt. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    You Idol Worshippers make up great stories that can't be proven and you end up lost looking for proof and the proof is a illusion that just keeps going on and on causing you to miss the eternal proof of God.
    In the Word of God is the Eternal Word and in reality is the Eternal Proof!
    Your Bible is only 1/3 of the Word of God and the Father says 3 is pagan like your trinity is pagan.
    God is Four with his First coming of Jesus and His Second Coming of Jesus.
    Two sets of Son and Two sets of Father.
    Everything is in pairs in Gods Creation and not One.
    Nothing not even the holy spirit is lonely in the Creation!
    So inside of us each is two a reflection of God GoodEvil.
    So Satan upon piercing the hardness of the earth as a Giant Lizard was torn to shreds and lost the essence of the light of Eternal life of God.
    Satan lost this essence of eternal life in the atmosphere of middle earth.
    This why one can live forever in middle earth.
    Satan has with God through Fission Exploded the Existence into Physical being through the big bang.
    God is in control because He knowing everything knew Satan if He stand in the darkness will suffer the explosion of the light and his mind will be exploded causing a misfunction of the mind and Satan will be less intelligent and Satan becoming the light he so doubted.
    So Satan is reminded from his light the Glory of Omniscients!
    Yaldabouth himself not being Omniscient!
    In Space is found the moon which is there to show it's color and the moon is a part of Earth and it is the cavern of middle earth it is the core of Earth magnetized and pulling. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    It is the Left eye of God it is the Eye of Satan that of Darkness the lesser light of God.
    The Right Eye being Rayomand the Shining Splendor of the Light of God Our Father.
    And so Earth and Earth are on the same Orbit and will Meet in the Great Event on that Glorious Day only the Father Knows.
    No mountain will remain they will be thrown like wool and leveled no hill will be seen.
    Satan has the hourglass โณ and Satan is using the Tempest to cause the illusion of Stretched Time and this is why in middle earth one day is 1,000 years.
    It is Only a few fleeting seconds we are Earth and Earth.
    In a instant we will return to God and we will be Super Earth.
    And so After God died on Surface Earth from the sting of the poisonous serpent and the Israelites are born on Surface Earth instead of middle earth.
    God Creates a New Improved Body that is Eternal.
    He Names His New Body Anu it is Anu Eternal Body never Old Never Poisoned Eternal Vehicle for the Holy god son of God or holy goddess daughter of God.
    This is why it is written in Enoch
    God of gods and Lord of lords and King of king's.
    So on Earth with God are Six of the 12 Tribes that were close to God in proximity and the Holy Angel's of God are on the other side of Earth which will hit us.
    These are the Anunnaki you speak of but they will cause mishap and confusion because it will not apply until after the day of Resurrection.
    We will not be among God personally nor the Six other tribes until we are hit.
    So pay attention to now.
    There is a certain word to focus on at this time.
    It is the Judgement which we are in.
    Man or beast?
    Man is god. Beast is Satan.
    Satan is beast because Satan drinks the blood of the beast and the children of Satan are beasts.
    Baphomet is the symbolism of this.
    Before we are hit we will be determined to be god or beast?
    The Aliens will take those who became beast and Satan will have slaves.
    The god and goddess will live with the Son of God and together we will live and we will together await the return of the Father.
    On the day of Resurrection we will be asked how long has it been since you have been separated from your Father God?
    They will say it seemed to be trillions of years but now I see it has only been a day or a half a day?
    God will say "It has only been a few fleeting seconds."


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