The Acolyte Review Gets WORSE With More Answers – Season 1 Episode 5

Star Wars The Acolyte Review of Season 1 Episode 5 by Leslye Headland for Disney+. When Lucasfilm was bought by Disney many thought the content might improve, but The Acolyte has $180 million and spent it on a lightsaber fight behind trees. This is a very dark episode where it’s difficult to see the action, and the power levels are all over the place more than Kenobi. But after Amandla Stenberg released her song about Star Wars The Acolyte, has episode 5 changed everyones minds? Does the Acolyte story make more sense than it did before? Is The Acolyte worth watching?

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44 thoughts on “The Acolyte Review Gets WORSE With More Answers – Season 1 Episode 5”

  1. I'm all in for the criticism except headbutting a lightsaber shows 300% confidence in his helmet and abilities, sorry but that's badass. Shows his mastery, confidence and that he's not just here to fight, he's here to kill, and will stop at no length to achieve that. These disney shows don't have any redeeming quality, but cortosis helmet ? Muah, chef's kiss !

  2. @disparu I think I’ve got this figured out. After Mae takes her revenge on the Jedi she’s going to kill the Sith and become the new master. That way KK and Headland can legitimate claim all Sith in the movies came down this female lineage. Either that or Osha convinces everyone to embrace the light side and they all sit round with tea and biccies. At this point they both make as much sense as each other

  3. I agree with alot of your points, but "they don't strike unarmed men. … never made any sense.' its like you forgot yoda's lessons in ESB. Sol was angry and vengeful. If he had struck down Qimir in anger it would of caused him to fall to the dark side. And if he had already started that years ago, then it would all but cemented him into the path of darkness.

    That is why jedi show mercy, why they train to fight dispassionately.

  4. 10:21

    *Who are you?
    – Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
    *Oh, i can see that.
    – Of course you can. I am not questioning your powers of obversation. I am merely remarkening upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.

  5. “Evey: Who are you?
    V. : Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
    Evey: Well I can see that.
    V. : Of course you can, I’m not questioning your powers of observation, I’m merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.
    Evey: Oh, right."

  6. I despise almost everything in this series. However, if your helmet is made out of cortosis, which is specifically known for being lightsaber resistant and shorts them out, its not really a bad idea to shove your helmet into the blade to disable your opponents weapon. Again, i despise nearly everything in this series, but i found that actually interesting; if only it was incorporated into a decent series.

  7. If they just watch 30min of cinematics star wars old republic online game, they would see how jedi order and sith actually works, how to use twins and how to make plot twist.. but they are that lazy and dont give f about star wars… and its sad to see how they destroying the franchise for years now…

  8. This review is dumb bro. The choreo is great, and the fact Lasbye Legoland killed 2 main characters was really unexpected. When Lesbye said this is supposed to match Revenge of the Sith, I laughed my ass off. After seeing this, this is exactly how Palpatin vs 4 Jedi should have looked like.
    Harvesting on hate is pathetic.

  9. I think I get what was going on with the handcuffs. They really wanted her to arrest her "properly" and make sure the charges are recited to the suspect and understood first. What they did was give a perfect example of why police won't always do that 😂

    …actually I take that back. I did the basic mistake of trying to apply logic to what was seemingly written by a drunk teenager with a concussion 🤦‍♂️

  10. it isn't ones and zeroes, you can spare the sith guy but cut off his main saber hand. Sure there are robotic replacements but at least for a time you have him crippled and less dangerous.

    But no, lets be morons and endanger more people

  11. Not watching the show, Star Wars is dead for me. Just watching reviews because they are more entertaining than the actual shows.
    But I think the wording the "Sith" uses is quite interesting "A Jedi like you might call me Sith". This is quite a weird thing to say if you are a Sith. This implies to me that he actually is not a Sith. Which doesn't make sense because this guy is so powerful that he obviously was trained by a powerful force user. And what should that be if not a Sith? Or are they going for the Baylan Skoll / Dark Jedi thing all over again? But even then he should be known by the Jedi. The message of this episode is dangerous. And Disney just cannot handle group fights. While the choreography in this episode looks mostly decent (for Disney standard that is) when you don't pay attention to the details, it's all falling apart when it goes from 1v1 into a group fight because for weird reasons people stop moving at all 2 people clash. And if they move, some other stupid stuff happens (like daggers disappearing or some other ridiculous stuff).

    But I have to admit that this "Sith" is damn hot.

  12. Wow, Lesley who worked for weinstein, the headlead who pretend to be a victim but coming from a danish rich dad and ezra miller with a very questionable rep –> hypocrisy these days is staggering, THESE ARE THE SO CALLED ROLE MODELS OF OUR SOCIETY. W T F

  13. I agree with everything except for qimir having two sabers. I was thinking about it and honestly for him it makes sense. The sith ove dirty tactics and the way he did used his, that was such a dirty sith thing to do. Usually I agree with the suddenly I'll use two, but think even how his character is. Using dirty tricks and tactics, the manipulative personality. With him or wasn't as much as a I'll just be better now as just haha suck it. If that makes any sense

  14. Of all the the videos, no one asked the question: "how did SmiloRenn escape from the boobytrap, changed clothes and assassinated a jedi master and went into hiding before everyone else arrived?"

  15. Mae- Im going to surrender to the Jedi
    Mae a little later- Im going to kill the jedi
    Mae a little later- Im going to switch places with the Jed

    WTF do the writers think Mae is even trying to accomplish?

  16. Waiting for the writers to claim "deep lore" with the lame dad joke of "One…. too(2)…many!" Yus, I've actually heard a bloke tell that to an officer when stopped for drink driving. And the officer didn't think it was funny. Or original.

  17. 28:44 why is soul even questioning him. Remember his helmet blocked Soul from Soul reading Sith Bro. I won't take this mask off so you can read my mind. Then Soul reads no one's mind. I wonder how that works like if he reads little beaver Basel does he need to know beaver language to know what his thoughts are. 33:09 why does Soul stop anyway when osha yells for him. Remember she is a Civilian was ordered to go back to the ship. She defied your order and got a man killed ! Clearly leaving sith bro to hopefully be killed by bugs is a terrible idea unless you see him be pulled apart before your eyes

  18. Hi, mate im allready 10 mins in and what you say is sooo funny, sooo apt and sooo correct! are they gunna change? no they dont give a shilijit about making money!! cheers mate thank you for cheering me up! take care and have a great day dude!


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