The 9 Foot Shadow Alien, UFO's In Hometown and Debunking Jellyfish UFO

#UFO #aliens #footage
Today Im going to take a deep look into the Las Vegas Shadow Alien footage that people didnt see. The Jellyfish UFO That maybe debunked, IFOs in my hometown and crazy shapeshifting UFOs in USA.
Tell me what you think about these crazy alien phenomena


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27 thoughts on “The 9 Foot Shadow Alien, UFO's In Hometown and Debunking Jellyfish UFO”

  1. I saw something like this when I was 24. It was like almost 3 in the am and 3 object were hovering over a farm someone in office has. They were hovering in a triangle. The top of the triangle was closet to the ground. The 2 in the back shot away just like the sunset video and then the the front point shot up. I went around the block and when I cam back they were in the same shape!!! It was crazy!!! My friend also saw holographic people in the pine trees in the woods behind our family home!!!😮

  2. I'm almost 100% sure the video of the jet airplane chasing the "UFO", from your hometown, is just a RC plane following a drone getting cinematic footage of the RC plane. That would explane the sound, you don't even hear the sound of a jet engine, and the missing wings. They look like smaller objects close up, and it's causing an optical illusion to look further away.

  3. The jellyfish video, how the heat source changes from dark to light has actually been explained. It has something to do with the camera. If u notice the items in the background change color when the jellyfish changes. I forget what it’s called (what the camera is doing). But basically everyone has accepted that the “jellyfish” isn’t changing hear source.
    The only thing that is left is for the rest of that video to come out, if it exists (the balloons going into the water & then shooting out). If we don’t see that portion of the video, we can safely say that was a bunch of balloons going by!!

  4. Matthew 24:4-8 explains it all… 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for [a]all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, [b]pestilences, and earthquakes ( in Hebrew also means weather related phenomenon) in VARIOUS places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

    We are in the beginning of sorrows or in other words, the last days! Please turn from your sinful ways (repent) and follow Jesus. Hd loves you!

  5. Ben you are such an entertaining bloke even if these videos are faked or can be explained, I'm in stitches watching! Only JUST came across your channel after following numerous UFO investigators, love it! Got another subscriber! Keep it up! 👍😀

  6. I don't know man. It just doesn't add up. At least with the Jellyfish thing. Or any footage/documents released by the governement. The governement has been lying to us for decades and now out of the blue they're acting like good ol' samaritans and giving the public all these authentic documents and videos? Did they all turn over a new leaf? Did they all group together one day and repent to Jesus and decided to be honest and forthcoming? It's really not making any sense.

    For example, after they were done filming and recording this Jellyfish UFO in Eastern Wherever, did the soldier who stumbled upon the footage just decide to say to himself, "You know, I should make a copy of this and send it on over to my good buddy Jeremey Corbell. Sure, I know I could be arrested and charged in violation of the Espianoge Act by giving classified information to a journalist and sent to prison for the rest of my life, but hey, you only live once right?" No internal investigation, no one was arrested, Jeremey magically gets his hands on this "leaked" video and decides to go on TMZ to showcase it to the world?

    Nope. I don't buy it. I call B.S. I believe the footage that was "leaked" is fake as hell in the same way you have all these fake alien videos on TikTok. If the average person can photoshop a video to make it look real, I'm quite certain the governement has both the technology and the intelligence to do the same damn thing.

    I just think everyone is accepting the footage as authentic because we, us, the men and women who WANT to believe that there exists life beyond our own, are so desperate for some sort of confirmation that we're willing to accept whatever the government gives us without asking questions regarding its legitimacy.

  7. I live in England and I’ve seen some really weird stuff in Lincolnshire and we’re surrounded by farmland. I’ve seen multiple lights in the sky. Blue, green and white. They always separate and fly in different angles. They always appear now and then and I have videos of these lights. It’s not just me who have seen these either. They move unlike anything I’ve seen before and defo are not satellites or planes

  8. If you look at the shadow above the fence, it moves in direct proportion to the person. That's how you know it's just a shadow. Go frame by frame and the shadow moves the same distance as the guys head.

  9. It’s never “Debunked” when you start your “hypothesis” aka GUESS with the words I “believe”. The old man channel with “official” in the channel name to really solidify the “expert” worldview as the “authority” – aka belief system based in one arty controlling another party or group(aka slavery)- on debunking, with a loosely based clip art jig of a ballon as proof…is so ridiculous I can’t tell if it’s a real Channel and video or a joke. Also, shouldn’t it be called bunking and not de-bunking? Words matter, just saying

  10. Strange for someone to see such things why the hell have we not seen more of this family I think they've been warned off to back out of there claims
    No way would a full family call the cops sayin they have ten foot alien creatures in there backyard yeah maybe if it was just one person calling the cops ya could put it down to him or her being a nut job but this is Strange story.

  11. Thank you mate, fun stuff. Thing is, unfortunately, until we get footage of an up-close, CLEAR & distinct, undeniable non earth object, the naysayers will abound. In a way they’re right, but that kind of proof (clear distinct footage) requires no risk, so, in that case it’s easy to be right. Until then, the best proof is threefold: eyes in the air, on the ground, plus radar confirmation of those eyes on events.

  12. Its not chasing the UFO… Looks more like their flying together…. On a mission to decieve… Most UFO's dont allow planes or jets to stay that close to them for very long…. They're on the same mission…


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