The 5 Possible Fates of Humanity Explained

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– Pablo De Sarasate- Danzas EspaΓ±olas(Op.21) No.2 – Habanera
– The Four Seasons, Op. 8 ”Spring”- I. Allegro

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34 thoughts on “The 5 Possible Fates of Humanity Explained”

  1. 2:10 that's actually not a good take. Genetic engineering doesn't mean we can suddenly disregard basic rules of epidemiology and the very simple fact that for a pathogen it is not efficient at all to kill its host, in fact pathogens that are extremely lethal are rare and hardly spreads

  2. I think an agi could be more likely on the benevolent side. Assuming it's intelligence makes it more resilient to the biases and fallacies that plauge human debate and philosophy, and would come to some fairly good conclusions. Say, the purpose of life is to fuck around, ethics are important, and improving the world is good. Rather than having to meticulously code ethics into our superintelligence, we could just teach it how to do good research, form opinions, and such. Instead of trying to control the uncontrollable, we just set up the foundation for it to stumble into a desirable outcome on its own.

  3. 0:55: πŸ’­ Potential future outcomes for humanity explored, including extinction and adaptation to challenges.
    3:18: πŸ‘½ Implications of advanced alien species and the importance of language in human evolution.
    6:11: ⏳ Factors influencing human progress and the potential outcomes for humanity.
    8:51: πŸš€ Future of human space exploration: technological advancements for interstellar travel.
    12:17: βš›οΈ The Singularity Point: Accelerated evolution of human intelligence and unpredictable future outcomes.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  4. My completely objective and unbiased ranking

    1. Technological singularity
    This one is all the good outcomes and more if we get it right, with the potential for us to become what we today would call gods. S tier, ASI solos no diff.

    2. Expansion
    This one is definitely good, the ability to harness the resources and space in, well, space would not only make us pretty difficult to render extinct, but allow us to unlock the beauty and mysteries of the universe for ourselves.

    3. Bio-engineering
    It would be undeniably cool to eradicate genetic disease, and allow humans to be the best they can be, while it isn't top of the list, it is certainly a good final state for us to be in.

    4. Extinction
    Obviously… Not living is bad, it prevents us from doing anything ever again, and reduces us all to ashes/disease ridden corpses/deconstructed matter, the only reason it's not bottom of the list is that there are things worse than death…

    5. Stagnation
    The only thing worse than being dead is being braindead for life, unable to actualize your potential and impotent to control anything, if extinction is the death of a species, stagnation is the vegetative state. Progress should only stop when perfection is attained.

    This has been my objective tier list. If you disagree, don't do that.

  5. for me the scariest about our future is not how society will crumble facing all of the current problems and problems that are yet to come, it's how society will remain and adapt to all of these problems, overpopulation, mass migration, starvation, global inflation, war, etc. it all will make our life quality much much worse amd honestly i don't know if i want to live in a future that already starts to become worse every few years


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