The 3 Body Problem Is Painfully Boring


41 thoughts on “The 3 Body Problem Is Painfully Boring”

  1. It was dumb. The super computers are so powerful they could just turn off all technology and make everyone on earth psycho and kill themselves. They don't need anyone. They made all the male characters morons and the female characters geniuses who also have the emotional quotient of a toddler.

  2. Well, in the book is explained that to prevent the crew of the Judgment Day from destroying records of their communications with the Trisolarans (Santiren), the team follows Shi's suggestion to use Wang's nano-material filament in a fence, which will quickly cut the ship apart and kill everyone aboard but will not damage the computer systems beyond repair.

  3. Enjoyed this show heaps. Interesting to hear a different opinion though. Couldnt finish the whole video because it’s quite angry and I don’t understand why people get so mad about a story. Sounds like a stroke on wheels and painfull to listen too. Makes me worried about the mental health of alot of folks. I guess that it’s true that there is an epidemic right now. Stay healthy and get outside once in a while! 👾

  4. they skip the part that the first trisolarian message was pacifist and tell to not send any message anymore or the trisolarian warmonger would invade earth but she send the message back because she want to destroy humankind and rebuilt the society over just like the book?

  5. they don't do the countdown are shown in photograph? countdown in their retina are applied to the photograph they take as the light reflected to the retina and reflected back into the camera and then to the photo?

  6. Yeah, I'm glad I haven't heard of this trash. Netflix f***ing up again, this time with aid from the A**hats responsible for the destruction of Game of Thrones. But if one of the comments on this video is to be believed (which I have no reason to doubt the poster), this isn't a faithful adaption and the books sound much more interesting.

  7. I was about to drop the series at the bar scene when one of the female scientists states that she had reviewed CERN’s particles accelator software “line by line”, but i wanted to finish at least the first episode. I definitely stopped watching when, after the scientist’s funeral, the annoying scientist asks if the other two are sleeping together or arguing, idk if that was supposed to be funny but i said “that’s it I’m done”

  8. Please cover the Three Body problem adaptation by Tencent! It is one of the best adaptations of all time. The first 14 episodes are free on youtube (All of the episodes were free until Recently)

  9. Btw, Liam Cunningham is the only actor in the show who pronounces 'San Ti' correctly. All other actors, including the Asian ones, said 'Sang Ti' instead of 'San Ti'. What a gigantic joke Netflix is.

  10. I really disliked the pretty girl. There was nothing to her character other than being pretty and she seemed to whine a lot for being one of the supposedly foremost minds.

  11. The aliens can unfold dimensions of space and send messages thousands of times faster than light speed but cannot physically travel faster than 0.1% of light speed. I don’t buy the premise.

  12. I thought it was pretty good, but they didn't stick the ending. With how far the books go… they really could have shown something cool in a flash-forward… like when the guys brain gets picked up or the human starships or something. It just kind of petered out.

  13. Like many people commented, too many trash released in the last few years (or decade). The trick is to choose wisely what you watch, listen, etc. There are good content, but you have to find it.

  14. The guys who couldn't finish up GoT without being handheld couldn't write an adaptation from a brilliant Chinese Sci Fi novel series? Color me shocked.
    Just go watch the Chinese version. It is much much better folks.

  15. This review cracks me up, and so on point! Thank GOD for someone who says it as it is!

    Thank you for pointing out the ultra stupidity of these plans come up by these so-called smart people. I thought I was not smart to appreciate these plans and thought OK, I must have missed some points because how would someone come up with such a "solution".

    Bottomline is it is a bit stupid when they are 400 years away from us. With real humans, I honestly don't think none of them would do anything about it until maybe 300 years later. Humans are too busy fighting or threatening to fight each other, and dealing with first world problems like abortion, gay rights, gender identity, banning books and so on.

    Not to mention the aliens think so highly of humanity. I think we will kill each other off and / or kill the planet and effectively ourselves because of our own stupidity. They can come and claim the planet just OK.

    And another question: so they left say 70 years ago, and still 400 years to arrive to earth. They are already out of the 3-solar system, thus not having to worry about the chaos and reset. 1. They seem to survive just fine on the spaceship and 2. They can invent new things while in stable condition in these 470 years?


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