The 2 reasons you haven't beaten your addictions yet

#habits #psychology #addictionrecovery

Video notes:

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0:00 A surprising intro
0:55 A quick story about me
2:23 (1) Time murdering & The death drive (Psychoanalysis)
4:40 (2) The neuroscience of wanting vs liking
8:34 (3) The evolutionary psychology of addiction
11:20 Solution 1: Unpacking
15:09 Solution 2: Responsibility

If you’re dealing with addiction of any sort, I just want to say well done.

Because despite you battling this addiction, you still manage to wake up each morning and live your life.

So I’m proud of you for that. And I’m proud of you for clicking on a video to help you find out solutions to your addiction.

That sounds strange I know, because you likely don’t feel proud of yourself for having this addiction but I know that after this video you’ll be able to beat it. No doubt about it.

The way this video is going to work is we’re going to cover a brief story from me, 3 explanations of addiction 1 from psychoanalysis, 1 from neuroscience and 1 from evolutionary psychology then we’ll cover the 2 solutions to any addiction. So if you want to get straight to the solutions feel free to skip to them in the timestamps, but obviously I’d recommend you watch the whole video as the 3 psychological explanations will give you much needed context.

Title ideas:
This is why you haven’t beaten your addictions yet
The 2 reasons why you’re still addicted
The 2 solutions to any addiction


30 thoughts on “The 2 reasons you haven't beaten your addictions yet”

  1. love your videos so much cus they actually go in depth about the topic discussed and i learn alot from them which cannot be said about 99% of other channels on youtube especially all the bs masculinity self improvement clickbaiting videos i see. Also do you post any of this on platforms such as spotify?

  2. Wonder this mechanical view on human – machine like non stop self improvement and organizing. Sounds like neoliberal propafanda. I am highly educated person and it was not this rigorous when I was a student. Watching movies and talking nonsense with yout friends are breaks from duties as well as wanking. So, I am asking why a person cannot have a break or even a longer holiday nowadays. Seems that we want to become machines like our well organized complex societies….

  3. Our ancestors had loads of drugs and substances. People have been using plants and fungi to get high for thousands of years. They were probably less likely to become addicted however, because their lives were less miserable.

  4. Bro again .. in 33 and i wasted all my Life at PC .. like 16 h day for 17 years .. now i woke up and im like .. now what ? 😂❤🎉 I dont work no firends no girls from 8 years ..

  5. Amazing video. I'm reading "dopamine nation: why our addiction to pleasure is causing us pain by Dr. Anna Lembke" and this video is an amazing addition to my current interest on the topic addiction and dopamine overconsumption

  6. You'd be surprised how many people advocate for civilization to be torn down so that we don't have to deal with the negative effects of it like addictions.

    I suffer from a pmo addiction and have for years. Despite that I have been doing better lately in the past few months and that's one of the reasons I've been watching your videos in the first place rather than doom scrolling, which is a negative habit that I've managed to stop doing. I was also a video game addict which I have also stopped. In it's place I have been learning to play piano and my goal is to become a piano teacher. Also seeing a piano teacher every week has been helping me to get out of the house, as well as getting my social anxiety group back on the go to do social anxiety exposures every week. Last week I asked out a cute coffee barista. She turned me down but I felt great anyway because it wasn't a catastrophe like my anxiety was telling me and she seemed to like the interaction even though she turned me down. I've been suffering for years with depression and anxiety but I finally feel like I'm getting better from actually learning the skills you talk about in this video, that being self awareness and responsibility.


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