The 15 Most Advanced Jet Aircraft Ever Built

So, here are some of the most technologically sophisticated jet aircraft on the market today.

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17 thoughts on “The 15 Most Advanced Jet Aircraft Ever Built”

  1. The F22 Raptor is an AIR DOMINANCE fighter. With AMRAAM D any other plan, with the except of the Chinese stealth, fighter everything else is like clubbing baby seals, that includes the SU-57 as the Indian AF figured out. Saying the stealth of the SU57 (.5 m) is in the same league as the F35 (.001 m) or the F22 (.0005 m) is like saying WW II fighter is as fast as AR-71, yeah, not.

  2. I'm guessing that this is not in order of what is the best which was incidentally missed off the list. The title says 15 most advanced aircraft ever built which is different from the description underneath of being on the market today. If you go with the title well quite a few of the most advanced aircraft ever built were missed. If you go with the latter of being on the market today well most of these are not on the market. Going with the best, the SR-71 should have been included along with the YF-23 and B-21. For aircraft currently flying and in service (not prototypes) the F-22 is still the top dog.


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