The 10 Key Battles That Made Napoleon Bonaparte

#Napoleon Only In Cinemas and In IMAX November 22

Napoleon Bonaparte. One of history’s greatest commanders or a bit overrated?

In this video, Dan Snow breaks down the pivotal battles that shaped the legendary commander’s legacy and left an indelible mark on the pages of history. From his sweeping victories at the Battle of Marengo and the Battles of Austerliz to the disastrous Russian campaign and the iconic Battle of Waterloo, Dan revisits the epic clashes, analyses the strategies, and witnesses the drama and chaos of the biggest battles that shaped Napoleon’s rise and fall.

Make sure to watch the film ‘Napoleon’ – Only In Cinemas November 22.

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#napoleon #movie #battles

00:00 Introduction
00:45 Siege of Toulon (1793)
04:29 Battle of the Pyramids (1798)
06:40 Battle of Marengo (1800)
08:56 Battle of Trafalgar (1805)
13:59 Battle of Austerlitz (1805)
17:12 Battle of Jena-Auerstedt (1806)
20:27 Battle of Borodino (1812)
23:43 Battle of Leipzig (1813)
26:18 Battle of Ligny (1815)
28:11 Battle of Waterloo (1815)
30:04 Conclusion
31:03 Watch Napoleon in Cinemas November 22


41 thoughts on “The 10 Key Battles That Made Napoleon Bonaparte”

  1. Hanging the total deaths of the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars on one man is ridiculous over simplification. As if all the countries in Europe didnt gang up on France for over 20 years. In this video Dan says European nations allied up against N in 1800 – Dan youre a historian, the First Coalition was in 1792! Napoleon emerging was simply the manifestation of years of warfare and Revolutionary France going in to total war mode to survive, and meritocracy unearthing one of the greatest military commanders in history. And a republic falling in to a military dictatorship had been done – see Rome + Caesar.

  2. Of course, it would not be remiss to just say Napoleon was a mediocre or lucky commander, who benefitted from the confusion of his opponents and their weak or weakened armies. In the end, his success could be attributed to his skill in PR.

  3. Thanks mate, but I miss the battle of Rivoli. It was insane. His right flank? Gone. His left? Retreating. His center? Crumbling. His rear? Attacked by an enemy column. And yet, he managed to beat Alvinci soundly.

  4. The problem with this list is that limiting it to ten battles is a bit limiting. I would expand it to 15 and add the Battle of the Nile which doomed Napoleons Egyptian campaign, Aspern his first proper battlefield defeat, Rivoli and/or Arcole should probably be included as well as at least one Battle of the peninsular campaign. Limiting the list to ten battles I would swap out the Pyramids for the Nile and Jena for Aspern.

  5. guys please know that we have all did evil (sin) and we are punished to death and since we do evil and reject God we will go to hell but God lovingly provides a way out through Christ where we can be saved if we trust in Gods work on the cross and turn from our sins with regret, tell your sins to God as Christ makes it possible for us to be forgiven (read John 3:16 pls)

  6. What if I told you Napoleon didnt care much about the Revolution & didnt like seeing the Royals heads Chop up & didnt like the bloodbath of the Revoulution, but indeed was happy it helpt him to climb higher for his own Personal Goals, wouldn t have happend during the French Royalist Goverment so. The Movie Napoleon catches two great moments of his Career "Toulon & Austerlitz"

  7. Please be honest when you inform figures. 7 millions is the top of the estimation. Historians hesitate between 3 and 7 millions ! Napoleon always looked for peace, but the scared old fashionned royalist countries, like Great Britain, scared by French Revolution ideas, always refused and formed agressive coalitions !!!

  8. What this Oxbridge &%^% did not say …was that neopleon …did was bring down the 1st reich ….the very thing hitler try to bring back …the reason history repeats its self is becuse &^%^ like dan never talk about history in an honest way

  9. Historians are politicians in disguise. Reading all the "history" books in class to view the authors were all Liberals. Its best to understand through your own personal research and you might come to a slightly different perspecitve that this man is offering you. IT is amazing to know that Admiral Dumanoir, was in charge of the French Navy. This battle for sure shifted power in Europe for trade and exports but had very little to reflect on Napoleon command. It is said from private corespondance that Admiral Dumanoir ( who is not Napoleon) did not react to the invading party or even counter attack. The chain of command was broken before the British even attacked according to letters from Hauterive to Napoleon Paris [Thursday] 16 Brumaire, XIV [7 November, 1805].

  10. the napolean movie (2023) was horrible. The movie Waterloo, made almost 50 years ago without any CGI runs laps around it. Its sad. I hope another director/screen writer can make another one that does this world period more justice

  11. If you guys want to keep some dignity, don't EVER talk about Napoleon in conjunction with this piece of shit film. Ridley Scott's movie is ANTI-historic. It's a joke, a disgrace. I know you guys must have gotten money to promote this piece of shit, but please stop it now. I guarantee you will lose subscribers.


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