'That's not water': Scenes from China's Covid response illustrate brutal heat

Extreme heat has made China’s zero-Covid policy much more difficult – and dangerous – for front line health care workers. CNN’s Selina Wang reports. #CNN #News


37 thoughts on “'That's not water': Scenes from China's Covid response illustrate brutal heat”

  1. Why are you guys repeating the CCP government story about climate change related floods, when it is commonly known that they flood their own towns and cities deliberately without warning so as to save money on compensation claims? CNN . . . China Never Negligent.

  2. The Chinese they don't prepare for this Mother Nature or Mother Earth it's like a walking of a oven that of your heavy of stove that way you wear just like the movies if the oven is going to get cooked data to reach about temperature higher where everyone you can figure it out anyway

  3. The situation is much now shanghai. Those workers who help residents to have a regular COVID test can have a small air-conditioned room .
    Hope all these frontline workers could have a better workplace ❤️heat stroke is really dangerous

  4. The hazmat suits I’ve had to wear as a medical professional is made of plastic. Can’t China make non plastic suits, since they create everything? Heat stroke almost killed me in 1964 as a child.

  5. John 8:44
    King James Version
    44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    Always in Jesus Christ my heart.
    Keep vigilant!!!
    They are murderers.

  6. This is but a taste of how hot it's GOING TO GET PEOPLE. By 2053, hundreds of millions of people will be ruined by constant triple digit degree weather. As a species, we are doomed and I really don't see us changing ANYTHING


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