That’s My HOUSE 2019 Movie Review/Plot In Hindi & Urdu

Distributed by
Sony Pictures

Screen Gems
Hidden Empire Film Group
Primary Wave Entertainment

Directed by
Deon Taylor

Written by
David Loughery

Produced by
Deon Taylor
Roxanne Avent
Mark Burg
Brad Kaplan
Jonathan Schwartz

Daniel Pearl

Edited by
Melissa Kent

Music by
Geoff Zanelli

Scott (Michael Ealy) and Annie Howard (Meagan Good) purchase a Napa Valley house called “Foxglove” from its previous owner, Charlie Peck (Dennis Quaid). Charlie explains his wife Ellen passed away from cancer two years earlier and he will soon be moving to Florida to live with his daughter Cassidy. Scott is instantly irritated by Charlie who appears overly friendly with Annie and keeps dropping by unannounced. Scott and Annie invite their friend Mike and his wife over to spend the night. When Mike goes outside for a cigarette, he senses he is being watched. The following morning, he notices a cigarette burn on the seat of his luxury car that wasn’t there previously. Charlie continues to show up without an invitation; he explains he is not moving to Florida just yet, and is staying at the Royal Hotel in town. Tensions rise between Scott and Annie due to Scott’s coldness toward Charlie, and it is also revealed that, before getting married, he had cheated on her with a colleague. When a neighbour tells Scott that Charlie’s wife killed herself with one of Charlie’s shotguns, Scott asks Mike to investigate him. Meanwhile, Charlie has developed an obsession with Annie and begins visiting her at home when Scott is not there. One morning, while Scott is out jogging, a truck runs into him from behind, which turns out to be driven by Charlie. Mike uncovers that Charlie had gone into debt and was facing legal trouble and therefore was forced to sell the house to Scott and Annie. While Scott is in the hospital, Charlie shows up at the house, and he and Annie have dinner. Mike goes to check on her and is confronted by Charlie, who declares he has a chance to get back all he lost and must get rid of Scott. Charlie then kills Mike with an axe. The next morning, Scott contacts Cassidy, who has since changed her name, but she hangs up when Scott mentions her father. Scott also discovers Charlie has never stayed at the Royal. Charlie appears in the house and passionately declares his feelings for Annie. She claims she is feeling ill and calmly asks Charlie to leave, which he does. Annie then goes upstairs and finds a hidden door behind the linen closet, leading to Charlie’s underground cellar, where he has been living the whole time since selling the house. Meanwhile, Scott is driving home and receives a call back from Cassidy who explains Charlie is a pathological liar who murdered her mother after she threatened a divorce. Back at the house, Charlie discovers that Annie has found his cellar. He knocks her unconscious, carries her upstairs and begins assaulting her. When Scott returns home, Charlie ambushes him and throws him over the hallway balcony. Charlie begins strangling Annie, but Scott reappears. The two men struggle and Annie stabs Charlie in the back. Charlie staggers away to the cellar, where he retrieves a shotgun. Scott and Annie hide behind the bedroom door as Charlie searches the house for them. When Charlie enters the room, Scott strikes him in the head with a baseball bat and seizes the rifle. Lying on the floor bleeding, Charlie taunts Scott by saying Scott would never dare shoot him. As they stand over Charlie, Annie calls 911 and informs the dispatcher that her husband has just shot an intruder. Horrified, Charlie screams, “You don’t deserve Foxglove!” Scott replies, “Go to hell,” and shoots Charlie, finally killing him.


28 thoughts on “That’s My HOUSE 2019 Movie Review/Plot In Hindi & Urdu”

  1. हाम्रो दिमाग चुम्बक जस्तै हो। यदि हामीले समस्याहरूको बारेमा सोच्यौं भने हामी समस्याहरूलाई नै आकर्षित गर्छौं।🇳🇵🇳🇵
    Peace 🙏


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