That Time I Cheated on My Homework

I still can’t believe that worked…

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#school #funny #shorts


22 thoughts on “That Time I Cheated on My Homework”

  1. In my graphics and animation class in high school I animated a “render in progress” bar that would slowly eternally loop from 27% to like 75%. Whenever we had a substitute I would just put it up on screen and play Unreal Tournament with my desk neighbor. Anytime the sub asked if we were working we’d just bring up the fake render bars and say “we’re just playing a quick round while this renders.” And not one sub ever called us on it.

  2. Had a very similar assignment and I just summarized the first few minutes of Max Payne and made sure to put in edgy adjectives.
    "Oh my gosh, this is very Noir." And then my teacher proceeded to tell me about Noir and I was thinking "I just thought it was emo"

  3. I tried to do the same thing, but stealing the plot of an episode of CSI. Unfortunately, my teacher was a fan of the show and the episode was recent enough that she recognized it. My friend did the same thing with an older episode and got away with it.

  4. I did something similar in elementary school, but in my case I used The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's intro. I even added the illustration of Link sitting on a tree stump with Navi from the manual. My teacher was all "Wow, great work! Nice use of vocabulary like using the word 'Summon.'" Looking back, I can't believe I got away with it.

  5. Sounds standard for like the 90s.
    I did the same thing, i stole stories from western cartoons, video games etc. None of those boomer teachers knew a damn thing and the internet was not prevelant yet, so I could plagiarize to my hearts content.

  6. Freshman year of college, I had to write an essay in which I was supposed to interview people and get their opinions on the "War on Terror". I literally just made up a bunch of people and interview responses. My professor said it was one of the best papers he had read in his entire teaching career.

  7. I did like half and half. When I was 12, I remember writing a narrative essay but I recreated the scene of the swarming robots in I, Robot. Got an A and the teacher displayed my work outside my classroom xD


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